ACT NOW! If You Want Changes in NH Election Laws and Procedures DO THIS…

by Ken Eyring

There is a lack of confidence in the integrity of elections across America, and those feelings exist in NH as well. The difference with NH, though, is that NH Secretary of State David Scanlan is being proactive. He wants to understand why people have concerns about our elections – and he wants to hear your solutions that will lead to a higher level of voter confidence.

With that in mind, he created a Special Committee on Voter Confidence – with a mission “to identify root causes of voter confidence decline and make recommendations to reverse the trend.”

The Special Committee has met eight times during the past four months to listen to public input. Many election officials and election volunteers have testified they are confident in the integrity of NH elections – along with other NH residents.

But there are also others who have expressed concerns. Here are some examples…

One individual provided proof that the previous owners of his home continued to vote from his address.

Another presented documentation of approximately 1,000 examples of votes cast in the names and addresses of previous owners of homes they had sold to others. She followed up with thousands more.

Others have pointed to Attorney General investigations that uncovered egregious violations by election officials.

I know there are more people with more stories to share – because many of you have shared them with me. Whether you believe there is nothing to be concerned about – or you want to see changes…either way, you should take a few minutes and share your thoughts with the Special Committee on Voter Confidence.

The committee will put together a report for the Secretary of State during the next few weeks. Whatever your thoughts, whatever your concerns, whatever your suggestions for improvements… you should make them heard – and now is the time!  Email the Committee at:

It will only take a few minutes to send the email, but it can have an impact that will last a lifetime!



  • Ken Eyring

    I'm a Constitutional Conservative, proud of our country and the founding documents our Constitutional Republic is based on. I believe in self reliance and personal responsibility. I'm passionate about Parental Rights and properly educating our children, who will someday become our country's leaders.

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