The key to restoring America to our founding principles is to restore the focus of our children’s education to academics! It is that simple.
It is time to stop the massive radical public school indoctrination of America’s future leaders who are currently taught to hate themselves, their heritage, our founding fathers, and our country.
Our children are taught that they are racist simply based on the color of their skin – and that America is a racist nation. Social Justice ideologies are embedded throughout the curriculum.
Related: Ideologies do not belong in schools, Ideologies do not belong in schools (Part 2), and Ideologies in our Schools (Part 3)
If you are fed up with being ignored by your public school officials READ ON!
If you want your child to learn why our country is exceptional; and to value the opportunities that America provides to everyone – it is within your power to make it happen!
There are many options for you to create your own learning environments. You can go the traditional home school route or collaborate with other parents in your community to establish cooperative learning environments. You can even sign up with existing cooperative groups.
You are in control and should take advantage of this opportunity to learn how your child can thrive.
No more indoctrination of your child at taxpayer expense! No more CRT! No more social justice! No more perverted history that praises socialism/Marxism/communism and condemns freedom!
No more mask mandates. It will be your choice!
Attend the FREE SEMINAR hosted by the non-partisan, non-profit Government Integrity Project and learn how to take back control of your children’s education.
YOU will be empowered to define educational environments for your children to thrive!
In the FREE Seminar, educational experts will guide you step by step through the process of choosing and/or establishing a Cooperative Learning Environment where YOU choose who will educate your children. YOU will decide what will be taught and how it will be taught! YOU will define the rules – and YOU will be in control! It is NOT difficult and you are NOT alone. There are MANY resources that are always available to provide you with help and advice!
You will be empowered!
Take advantage of this FREE SEMINAR that will be held on Sunday, August 22nd from 2p-5p at the Crossing Life Church in Windham, NH, 122 North Lowell Rd. Windham, NH 03087. Click HERE to register!
It is time for ALL PARENTS to take back control of THEIR CHILDREN‘S education. Please see the details below and pass this on to everyone you believe would be interested.