No Farms No Food - Granite Grok

No Farms No Food

Stalin called the “farmers” enemies of the state. By expropriating them, the state took over food production, and 7 million Russians starved to death.

100 years later, the globalists, EU, WHO, and WEF are opening war on the farmers. But the farmers are protesting en mass. Why and how does this affect us in the United States? They have already implemented similar laws on CO2 and nitrogen here by way of the “green New Deal.”

Our neighbors in Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, and Canada have already started a Carbon credit system better known as the Carbon Tax.

Right here in NH the EPA has a stranglehold on many communities with their nitrogen limits. The gentrification of NH has brought many here because of the rural environment. Yet, we are losing land and farms every day that will never come back. Only a decade ago, the open space committees in NH towns saw the benefits farms have to the environment and the beauty of our state. Today, they want to end open space in favor of 15-minute densely populated cities by developing open space into housing.

In Massachusetts, they are mapping housing “suitability” starting along the “T” train lines. Decarbonizing Methods in Vermont will work to eliminate livestock.

Just how much will it take for a revolt here?

The EU adopted rules that put a stranglehold on farmers without a thought or care of the repercussions. Backed up against a wall, farmers are revolting. They are moving large amounts of manure and refuse to the cities with tractors. They are starting fires and blocking roads. What the elites did not count on was a bunch of pissed-off farmers with heavy equipment and lots of manure.

In 2022 the trucker convoy on Canada showed us how fragile the economy is and dependent on trucking. Many truckers are still in jail, the Canadian government froze bank accounts and go fund me accounts to benefit the truckers. The government promised the Canadians help but never delivered. The trucks and tractors are ready to roll on April 1 2024. This time, the farmers are joining in the protest against the new carbon tax.

The revolt in the EU (European Union) started in the Netherlands. In 2019, the EU and the Netherlands government went on an all-out war on their own farmers. A report released by Prime Minister Johan Remkes, titled “Not everything is possible,” sparked fear as the farmers did not know if their land would be taken by force, and it was not clear how the government restrictions and buybacks would affect their livelihoods. This started the farmers’ revolt.

Signs displayed by people, “No farmers, no food, how dairy you, proud farmer,” were displayed.

The harsh implications from their government and the climate czars, forced many to take to the cities in their diesel tractors and trucks. The primary government targets are CO2 and nitrogen. It wasn’t clear until the government report put the lion share of the blame on dairy farmers who, according to the EU, were responsible for 80% of nitrogen pollution, yet the percent of dairy farms as a business in the Netherlands is only 1%. Farmers had reduced nitrogen emissions 2/3 since 1990, decided the levy broke.

Hundreds of Dutch farmers signed up to close their livestock farms under the new scheme. The EU has approved a €1.5 billion scheme to buy out Dutch farmers and reduce nitrogen emissions, also known as the “Nitrogen Wars.” They are blaming the water quality on the pesticides used in farming. The EU classified land under the “Natural 2000” document, which includes vast farming lands of France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium, has brought this issue to the forefront. Farming in the Netherlands has decreased by 50% since 1960, and before the EU is done, many more will succumb to the pressures. The protest has started again in the Netherlands in 2023.

Here in NH, the EPA has a stranglehold on towns along the Great Bay watershed with a restrictive contract each town has to sign that has to do with nitrogen from stormwater runoff. They don’t know if stormwater runoff is causing increased nitrogen in Great Bay!? But there is no increased nitrogen in Great Bay, according to NHDES data.

The Municipal Alliance for Adaptive Management (MAAM) is researching why the ell grass and snails are in decline and, at this time, does not have a clue. But a rain tax, aka stormwater utility, will fix everything. This disconnect will erode our NH way and make way for further gentrification, which adds further risks to our ecosystem. Each property is assigned a number generated by UNH from grants. See the Web link for your town and property impact. This will be used to “tax” everyone for Total Surface Solubles (TSS), which includes nitrogen and phosphorus. The more land and impervious surfaces you have, the greater the number or impact. Farms are vulnerable due to large tracts of land and pole buildings. There are no exemptions.

Not every EU country is protesting about nitrogen, other factors such as the EU end of subsidies for diesel and buying cheaper food from Ukraine rather than countries in the EU. Billions of European money have gone to Ukraine for food that can be produced within each EU country, yet European farmers saw their income decrease by 12% between 2022 and 2023, according to a report from the insurer “Allianz Trade.” French farmers are those whose income has fallen the most, with -a 22% income over one year.

The Irish farmers are going out of business in favor of Brazilian food farmed on lands taken from developing the Amazon. Large companies manufacturing food and fake meat production in Ireland are reportedly considering killing 200,000 cows in the country to meet the European Union’s climate CO2 targets. The government is actually offering money to cull herds and help the planet. Irish farmers are now protesting their government. Check out an Irish Documentary of what it will be like in 2050! Farmers making Fake milk, growing bugs.

The EU is feeling the pressure according to the BBC, on February 6 head of the European Commission, “Ursula von der Leyen, has announced plans to scrap a proposal halving pesticide use across the EU. Von der Leyen also said the issue of pesticide use had not gone away and that further conversations would be needed before a new proposal to reduce them could be put forward. Tuesday’s announcement that it is being scrapped has been welcomed by some, including the European farmers’ lobbyist COPA-COGECA. Like farmers elsewhere, they demand more flexibility from the EU, tighter controls on the produce of non-EU countries, and more help from their government. But not all farmers, organic farmers, in particular, are in favor of the COOS-COGECA position on NGTs (nongenomic techniques).

The majority of European Parliament (MEPs) voted in favor of weakening biosafety requirements for NGTs but also to maintain traceability of NGTs all along the production and the possibility for national coexistence measures to protect organic agriculture,” said Jan Plagge, president of IFOAM Organics Europe, after the vote. The vote by MEPs is full of contradiction as it acknowledges some major issues associated with NGTs deregulation but fails to provide concrete solutions and would leave farmers and breeders exposed to the corporate takeover of genetic resources through patents.”

Largely ignored, the revolt is only getting worse since the EU and their green agenda, decided to give millions to Ukraine, that not in the EU and send a message that the “peasants” don’t matter. The EU called them a “noisy” outrage. But did nothing help to solve critical problems.

Farms are an easy target for the globalists, WEF, WHO climate agenda. Their plans to end pesticides have failed and will be reconsidered again. The push to eliminate nitrogen and CO2 will cripple traditional farming as both are necessary to grow food and feed livestock. When did farms become the devil? Will the EU stand by their decision and continue to support Ukraine over their own countries? Will they make “pie crust” promises to the farmers? Will this be the beginning of the end of the EU? Time will tell…while the farmers in Europe struggle. But the Ukraine laundry is doing great! So strange they punish farmers and not pesticide companies!? Lots of questions…

Tractor protests spotted in:

(And now the UK)

To be fair, nitrogen is a good/evil element. As are all our “elements,” They cannot answer the basic question, which is “How low can you go before we destroy our ecosystem”? Our industrial evolution has compounded many by-products of nitrogen that are not good. It is true that farming and pesticides can cause erosion and pollution, yet farmers have learned to maximize crops and avoid disaster. Buffer zones maintain runoff to filter excess nitrogen before release into streams and swales.

Farmers are not in the business of “raping” the land as the globalists claim. The land is their livelihood, and they adapt and use BMPs. Livestock farming gets a bad rap, C02 cow farts, methane and nitrogen are all byproduct of modern farming. The largest being manure. Farmers have learned to maximize the waste back into fertilizer returned to the earth. Methane, in some cases, is used to generate electricity. Nitrogen runoff is, at best, minimal.

The issue affects us all and is not limited to Europe. They’ll have us eating bugs and liking it if we allow it.
