Monadnock Gathering of Freedom Groups

Title: Monadnock Gathering of Freedom Groups
When: Saturday, September 24, 1-5PM
Where: The Village Church, 121 Cobble Hill Road, Swanzey NH

Brief Description: For all individuals and groups who fully understand the Great Reset narrative and are committed to freedom, this event provides an opportunity to meet others in your area so that we can build resilient community networks to deal with possible social, economic, and supply chain disruptions and work towards creating viable parallel systems. More information and tickets here.

Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases for consideration
to Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

Admission is $10. For those who do not wish to purchase a ticket on the Eventbrite System, they can reserve their place by writing to [please specify # of tickets, the names of ticket recipients and their town(s)], then pay at the door.

Thank you,
John-Michael Dumais
Executive Director
Collaborative Communities Coalition
Rise Up NH and Voluntary Civic Action League


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