ALEC and Article V Conventions


A recent Facebook email picture from a friend really got my attention. It featured numerous NH Legislators being wined and dined by the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC).

In these times of oppressive, unconstitutional federal power overreach, citizens need to be concerned about the nature of such a powerful and well-funded organization that not only offers membership to state legislators but also corporate membership, combined corporations that score high on the Fortune 500 list.

The problem is, that each group has a different loyalty: state officeholders are sworn to serve their constituents according to both their state and federal constitutions: while corporations march to the tune of profit, profit which seems to be their god. Who knows how much power and influence they have over State Representatives? Within this New American of  May 5th, 2014 article is a long list of The Not-so-smart ALEC.

Lew Rockwell, President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s words adds to my concern over the deception of their stated purpose: “ALEC talks a good game of  “free markets” while actually promoting corporate subsidies and economic Fascism…”

It is easy to see why ALEC’s philosophy and its goals appeal to legitimate constitutionalists who oppose the oppressive hand of Big Government. Members of ALEC cite how Liberal establishment media and leftist activism beat up on ALEC for its conservatism. But this helps divide and weaken “we the people” that promotes individual liberty, maximized by constitutional government. However, there  are many “red flags” that back up Rockwell’s quote above, that the goal of ALEC is just the opposite of its  stated purpose  of “Free Markets Limited government and individual liberty.”

How can 800 to 1,000 boilerplate bills per year (heavily influenced by corporate and business giants, corporate members who have equal voting power with our public servants), be a  true representation of the will of the people of NH?

One of ALEC’s major projects is promoting Article V Conventions (ConCon’s) is a red flag.

Too many good legislators who normally promote “individual liberty” do not look below the surface. The movement is based on the never-successful second method of amending the Constitution in Article V, which mandates that 2/3 (34)  of state legislatures call for a Convention. These officeholders are deceived that after their call for a convention reaches 34 that they will have control of the Convention. They will have no control over a sovereign convention that could change the entire Constitution, which could repeat the same conclusion of changing the Articles of Confederation in the 1787 Convention.

Only George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison will not be there to protect our liberties.

In reality, this convention call by 2/3 of the states forces the federal Congress to call a convention and to pick the method of delegates. After that, the Convention is sovereign.

Many readers have heard of the popular cause of promoting a Balance Budget Amendment BBA, which is the most popular among many other state-initiated calls for a ConCon. However, all calls for a ConCon have popular backing to camouflage the goal to completely change the laws that protect our liberties to gain wide support, while the underlying cause is to change the Constitution or even replace it with another recently drafted constitution (see below).

This amounts to legalizing all the federal government officeholders’ disobedience to the law of the land that they constantly ignore. Such a perverted mindset reminds me of one who advocates amending the Ten Commandments to legalize all their sin.

This is not an issue that it is safe to continue to ignore. There is a powerful and wealthy elite behind this movement to remove our constitutional protections.

Here are some of the new drafts that could be implemented to replace our present Constitution: The Constitution for a Socialist Republic of North America, prepared by the Revolutionary Communist Party USA; another financed by George Soros called The Constitution 2020 movement supported by several Marxist professors; the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force Report on a Constitution for the North American Union a document drafted to govern the U.S., Canada, and Mexico; and The National Constitution Center drafting project that has drafted three Constitutions called The Conservative Constitution, The Libertarian Constitution, and The Progressive Constitution.

Despite the lawlessness of our leaders, advocates of a ConCon refuse to look at these facts.

Arm yourself with true documented evidence about this silent political movement that has been going on for 40-plus years that has a purpose to poison our liberty at this link.




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