Much can be discussed on the heels of the Damn Emperor’s veto of HB 1093, which was a reincarnation of 2022’s vetoed HB 1131, but I’ll only get into a few things and leave the rest for interested others.
On 9/29/21, future Rep. Kelley Potenza, a co-sponsor of HB 1093, was interviewed by Adam Sexton, and she called His Excellency “a fake Republican,” which he is, and that was after she said that our voices are not being heard. Here it is, almost three years later, and our voices are still not being heard by the Damn Emperor, who was elected to serve ALL Granite Staters. Keep in mind that four years ago, at this time, the whole state was closed for business in one way or another because of him. Now, just like in 2022, he’s singing that “local control” sad refrain.
When a recent court decision struck down the ban on CRT, Rep. Keith Ammon said CRT is now on the November ballot
Inspired by his tweet, I have something similar to say about the primary for the Corner Office, at least on our side of the aisle. “School mask policy is on the September 10 ballot; what say you, Kelly, and Chuck?” HB 1093 passed the House on March 28, which was shortly before the Pine Tree Riot anniversary celebration, an event where both candidates made an appearance. I approached Kelly there to ask if she would sign it. Being the lawyer that she is, she said she would have to read it first.
I retooled my questioning to get at least some on record comment from her, but she was clearly not having any of it. Now it’s time to double down and try again. And to be fair, it’s important to get Chuck on record also. I am calling on everyone who sees either one of them in the near future to take advantage of an opportunity to get them on record by asking if they would commit to signing a future bill of such nature. Of course, that would be their opportunity to go on record with any criteria, requirements, and details in the language of the bill they desire. So please, dear readers, do your part and corner them when opportunities present themselves.
I will close with one other thought, which is from the time I ran into Chris Buda at Market Basket on February 24, and he was reluctant to confidently predict a “Veto 2.0” because it might not personally serve his self-serving future plans.
I have not had contact with Chris since learning the unfortunate news of HB 1093, but it will be interesting to get his “Monday morning quarterbacking” thoughts on it, so stay tuned and meanwhile, put YOUR thoughts in the comments.