No Keith … Critical Race Theory Won’t Be On The Ballot In November

Rep. Keith Ammon’s reaction to woke judge Paul Barbadoro striking down a law banning “Critical Race Theory” from being taught in New Hampshire schools was that “Barbadoro just put stopping Critical Race Theory back on the ballot in November.” Unfortunately, that is highly and extremely doubtful.

Critical Race Theory will only be on the ballot if the NHGOP has the balls to call out specific Democrats (Woke-Communists) BY NAME for supporting CRT. Some milquetoast “[name of GOP candidate] opposes Critical Race Theory” is not going to cut it. The Democrat (Woke-Communist) must be called out.

The NHGOP also needs to explain succinctly what Critical Race Theory involves because most voters have no understanding of CRT. “[Name of Democrat candidate] supports Critical Race Theory” is woefully inadequate. This, from NH-NeverTrump Journal, contains the level of detail needed to enlighten voters about CRT.

Unfortunately, the most we can realistically expect from the feckless, timid NHGOP is some cookie-cutter campaign literature extolling a “parental bill of rights” and pushing EFAs and maybe … just maybe … “opposes teaching Critical Race Theory.” That is NOT going to cut it. You have to name the names … in districts where there are still enough normal voters to make winning possible.

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