Morning View: What We Are Made Of

Jim Bowman

The original Tory preference for remaining British subjects rather than free American citizens has been recycled into a mindlessness that prefers the collective abyss of socialism over remaining as free Americans.

If nothing else, this foolishness highlights the extent to which these mind games have elevated today’s irrelevant but dangerous reasoning. While our basket teems with examples, how about our “melting pot” logo? Americans are by their individual relocation efforts a mongrel breed; which then her “melting pot” transforms into one identifiable being; that of an American!

Given our history of success, how can this chant for “diversity” be supported, and for what purpose? For these inherently un-American thoughts to become so universally embraced, the presence of multiple antagonistic influences deserves both our suspicion and ridicule.

This issue of demanding racial equality is typical of the brand of public antagonism and division that is at work today. Would someone please be bold enough to suggest just how out-of-date this racial crusade actually is? The most recognizable example of this non-issue comes from the life story of Dr. Ben Carson. His life began as part of a single-parent family, amid tenement-living poverty and being on the troubled streets with the wrong crowd. From the loving efforts of his mother, coupled with his own initiative, he lifted himself up to the heights of being one of America’s top neurosurgeons! All this was possible in our opportunity-laden and racially-balanced America!

The annoying call for socialism over capitalism defines the public’s defiant and persistent ignorance! The same holds true for the more common belief of “democracy” rather than appreciating our Constitutional Republic. This democracy chant is a product of repetitive messaging, which probably aligns with similar family mindsets, both from being infused by school curriculums! In reality, socialism is a dead-end street leading to despair and poverty versus our Republic’s offerings of individual rights and endless opportunity. Actually, neither socialism nor a democracy acknowledges any individual right, much less our listing of ten!

The supposed igniter of today’s rebellion was supposedly in retaliation for an act of police brutality, which turned out to be another pipedream. As time passed and protest destruction increased, other causes/reasons surfaced to justify further. Again, as with the original anti-police claim, all were baseless and mostly centered upon emotions from earlier times, ala George Floyd, rather than actual and more current injustices.

Feeding this chaos is this consistent and obvious BS factor! Is America perfect? No! However, what other country sacrificed so much to free other nations? What other country generously responds to natural disasters around the world? And what other country grants the opportunity and freedom to a yearly number of foreign immigrants entering into and being accepted as part of America’s famous “melting pot” of citizens?

We all should be aware of this dangerous attempt to divide our people and to reduce our living standards. Such venues originate and support the corrupt and evil enemies of all civilized societies. Also, today’s Americans are at a crossroads since too many refuse to accept the fact that this enemy element has been elected into our Country’s highest governing positions.

At least back in the day, those Tories were mainly reacting to the comfortable “old shoe” excuse—or simply, what is already known versus what is unknown and iffy. Today, it’s a different equation. This upheaval is being tutored in closed sessions. When one adds the recent excursion into gender selection, any skepticism of injustice, social or racial imbalance, white supremacy, etc., are just the enemy’s thrusts to divide further.

Time to objectively scan our countryside. How was all this possible if America was so immoral and unjust? America has been great and can be again. If this thought annoys, without any politics involved, then what is reflected in your morning mirror is not that of an American!

Lastly, there is but one reason for this collectivism mantra, this ‘team player’ concept or this awarding of a ‘participation’ trophy. It’s to erase any lingering memories of competition or of being an individual who can excel. This American bedrock of an individualistic “can do” belief stands in their way! One’s conversion to communism is easier if being a team player is the norm. When comparing this slack in effort and zeal to excel to the limitless horizon afforded by an independent-thinking American, the puzzle is no longer. America needs to not only be great again but also be free again!


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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