Friday Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule close out the week.  Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



My pride, 24/7/365.





Let me be clear:  If The Potato stays in office, America is certainly done.  If Trump gets in, America may still be done.  But at least – even with a fair amount of trepidation – with Trump I believe there’s a chance.






That’s actually a good point.
















There is no “misinformation”.  There is only information TPTB don’t want us to see.















Slowly, slowly the constrictor tightens its coils.








“Just following orders”.
















In my mind there is ZERO doubt they wanted to provoke a confrontation of some sort.  And, oh look, Trump got shot and killed.  Awwww, what a shame.  Right?



There is wisdom in the saying “What we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly”.  These days, with women seemingly eager to just give it away, there’s no value anymore in courtship or delayed gratification…
















The plan, all along.  Treason.  And straight from Bertolt Brecht.



And this is a must-read essay from a few years ago:

How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Demographics is destiny. The left is reshaping countries to match its demographic targets. It is turning nations into one great gerrymandered district composed of populations that are more likely to support it. It is doing this using immigration, economics, social policy and every tool at its disposal. And if conservatives don’t start understanding the demographic game of thrones, then they will lose the war.


Stop.  All.  Immigration.  For at least 50 years.  At least.  And deport those who came here illegally – regardless of anchor baby status.  (Because you know every fertile illegal is doubtless working on getting preggers.)




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Also, if you missed it, a mega-size link post from Tuesday by yours truly.

China’s Urgent Food Crisis: No One Farms, Farmland Gone, Frequent Disasters, High Import Reliance (

Video, about 17 minutes.  I did not know China was THAT dependent on food importation.

Borepatch: Rubicon

Many analogies to Rome.  Links in the original.

The most important leader at the beginning of the end of the Roman Republic was Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus,  He was the guy who noticed that while the Roman Republic had swept all foreign enemies before it, the working class had suffered despite the great riches of empire.  Tiberius Gracchus decided to run for public office despite his great family wealth, and to put forth his formidable political skills to benefit the Roman Working Joe.  He failed, because the Roman political establishment buried their traditional political differences in the face of Gracchus’ challenge, and in fact had him killed.

In short, the Roman Deep State closed ranks to block needed reform.  It was the beginning of the end of the Roman Republic as long cherished political norms (Mos Maiorum) were cast aside.  And so two generations of the Roman political elite were exterminated in a civil war so profound that what was left of the exhausted Republican Elite welcomed the first Imperator with open arms because he ended the civil wars.

“NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS”: Fauci Confesses He ‘MADE UP’ Covid Rules Including 6 Feet Social Distancing and Masking Kids – Geller Report

I’m not furious at a psychopath being a psychopath.  I’m furious that, with all this coming out, people don’t make the connections to grasp they got played.  Massively played.  The horrors this man did:

The House That AIDS Built (

But then, the bamboozle has the Covidians by the short and curlies:



EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Forced retraction of Covid vaccine cancer-risk study, scientist alleges (

Never mind the stealth depopulation efforts here, there are literally billions of dollars in profits at stake if the Jabs are withdrawn.  You think peoples’ lives matter in this case?

Hospital Insider Testifies: COVID-19 Numbers Were Faked – Slay News

Between this and other things I’m seeing, hopefully the dam breaks on all this soon.

More bad news for those that got “The Jab”.  We’ll pray for you:


Bayou Renaissance Man: Note the deafening silence from mainstream US news media about these admissions

Also related:

Research continues to find the COVID jab caused more deaths than it prevented – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

Somehow, contracts and other “paper trail” documents are coming out showing that the Federal government was discussing Covid-19 (by that name) before it officially “existed”:

US government enforces showing a national ID before boarding domestic flights – The Expose (

Shutting down air travel.

Huge Lithium Discovery in PA Could Supply More Than a Third of American Needs

“Could”.  Does anyone seriously think The Potato would allow it to be accessed?

World War 3 section:

J.D. Vance: Biden ‘Sleepwalking’ America Into World War 3

Not sleepwalking.  Deliberate.

Here We Go | NC Renegades

Ukraine apparently using US weapons to attack Russian territory.

Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West (

Gerald Grosz: “We Have Abolished Ourselves” | Gates of Vienna

Hard thoughts, hard questions.  Related:

“The EPP is just beginning to see the perils of mass immigration”: An Interview with Geoffrey van Orden ━ The European Conservative

Number Of ‘Problem Banks’ Climbs In 1st Quarter, New FDIC Report Finds | ZeroHedge

Economic system teetering.

$517,000,000,000 in Unrealized Losses Hit US Banking System, FDIC Says 63 Lenders on Brink of Insolvency – The Daily Hodl

Found this article the other day, and the author paints a pretty stark picture of previous financial crisis’s and why the coming financial collapse will be way worse (too much debt):

Nowhere to run (

Reminder (Again): “Hands up, don’t shoot” is a fabricated narrative from the Michael Brown case (

The lie that became The Narrative.

What effect will a worldwide 5G network with its thousands of satellites have on all life and on Earth itself? – The Expose (

We don’t know.

The Danger of Electromagnetic Fields – The Expose (

Victor Davis Hanson with what one of the persons commenting titled “Epitaph for America”:

The Destructive Generation—Proving America’s Weakest Link › American Greatness (

An excellent commentary on why we have “crossed the Rubicon” in our country:

America Has Crossed the Rubicon – American Thinker

Related:  The lawfare continues against Trump supporters:

Democratic State AG Hits 3 Trump Allies With 2020 Election-Related Charges | The Daily Caller

This is a riot!  A very gay man politely educates a pro-Palestine protester about what happens to gay men under Islamic rule:

In the Good News department, Virginia is saying Bye-Bye to the EV mandates:

Some more good news:  Many former Dems are getting disgusted with the Democrat party and deciding to vote for Trump because of the damage being done to the country, to our legal system, and our economy:

Common Cents Blog: Meet the prominent Democrats who are voting for Trump TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY! Re-Post (





















And per the videos I’ve seen of him, he has some really nice braces on his teeth for someone living in a concentration camp.  More importantly, understand that there is a whole industry in Gaza of making agitprop for the consumption of “useful idiots” in the West.  See the

Like the Vietnamese, they know they can’t win militarily.  But they can tug at heart strings with a complicit and sympathetic enemedia.  One example, a post on a Telegram channel.






Pick of the Post:



“Democrat privilege”.




Palate cleansers:



I’ll show myself out.  TGIF!




Come back next Monday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.





The Exodus Movement seems to have died.  But #jexit is still on.



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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