Links Overflow

After compiling a yuuuuuge file of links that I’ve seen plus my comments, and from my Jarhead friend, and seeing how long it’s gotten, I’m putting it here this time – separate from the memes.  But a few memes scattered within as well.  I don’t want the links that I’ve compiled – important stuff IMHO – to overwhelm Monday’s meme post.

Peruse as you will.

‘What could go wrong?’: Woke Boston mayor seeks to decriminalize theft, not punish thieves | The Post Millennial |

And WHEN the inevitable happens, and Boston spirals down into crime and squalor with businesses fleeing, they’ll be as baffled as liberals have been the last… dozen?… times this has been done.  And given the number of times the same pattern has happened, I can only conclude that this is by design.

World War III watch.

Don’t Let Yourself Be Misdirected | NC Renegades

It’s one thing to supply small arms.  It’s a step up to supply advanced arms to be used within the territory of the nation being attacked to push invaders out (think Stinger missiles in Afghanistan, for example, or Javelin missiles against invading Russian tanks).  But to have that provided weaponry be used against the territory of the attacking nation?  That’s casus belli against you.

Poking the Bear | NC Renegades

While everyone is focusing on the Trump verdict, Biden has given permission to Ukraine allowing the use of US supplied weapons to target Russian territory.

The countdown for WWIII has started in conjunction with CWII.

Biden lets Ukraine hit Russia with US arms to defend Kharkiv: official – Insider Paper

It won’t stay local.

Cyberattack could trigger Article 5 – NATO — RT World News

Today Is a Good Day to Be Vigilant | NC Renegades

And Russia is, once again, issuing an OR ELSE:

We are not bluffing about nuclear war, Putin ally warns as US raises WW3 threat by granting Ukraine permission to fire its missiles INTO Russia | Daily Mail Online

Ukraine, Allies to Receive Devastating Response If Western Arms Used on Russia – Medvedev (

“The former Ukraine and its NATO allies will receive a response of such destructive force that the alliance itself simply will not be able to resist being drawn into the conflict,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram.

My wife – who insists that “nothing will change, don’t be paranoid” – is currently visiting her family “over there”.  It’d be truly ironic, albeit catastrophic for our family even beyond the obvious world implications, if WW3 kicks off while she’s there and can’t get back here.

But more broadly, Russia cannot issue OR ELSE statements like this and then not follow through.

To Avoid Nuclear War, Putin Needs to be a Little Crazier | NC Renegades

Enclosures To Defend F-15Es From Drone Attacks Eyed At Seymour Johnson AFB (

In my post about the grid, I mentioned sabotage teams targeting the grid.  Not the only thing they could target, and target easily.  Now consider this about the water outage in Atlanta:

Atlanta Continues It’s State Of Emergency Status Over Water Outages

US Government launders billions to defense contractors as America’s infrastructure continues to crumble

“Atlanta, There is multiple water main breaks, in the whole city is without water, and they’re telling the people they don’t have a time frame on when it will be fixed. My question is, how does a whole city’s water supply get knocked out? Systems are set up, so this does not happen. But how do multiple water mains break in the same city at the same time?

Now I’ve seen some people talking about the pressure. If one water main breaks, it can affect the pressure on another one. Listen, there’s valves, and they have separate systems all throughout cities, so this cannot happen.

So my question is, how did this happen, and is this suspicious to you? Please leave a comment below.”

WalkStreetApes (
@CherokeeOwl 🦉

WEF Orders Govt’s To Burn Millions of Bees To Usher In ‘Global Famine’ – The People’s Voice (

I cannot even wrap my mind around how evil this is.  Aren’t there people who say NO?  Or will we follow orders to global famine?

Banana republic, and you can keep it – Surak substack blog

“Live and let live” doesn’t work when the other party doesn’t want to let you live.

34 REASONS the Bragg-Biden Show Trial Should Have Been TOSSED OUT — Each One Alone Providing Grounds for a Mistrial | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Ingrassia

Moonbattery Why Even Trump Haters Must Vote for Trump – Moonbattery

China Weaponizing 90%-Fatal Ebola | NC Renegades

As I read this, a scene from the movie “Conan the Destroyer” comes to mind:

Evil wizard: We will control him (evil deity Dagoth whom they want to bring back to life)

Akiro: Nobody can control him. His power and his evil are too great.

Bill Gates’ New Plan: Cut Down 70 Million Acres of Trees to “Combat Global Warming” – Free West Media

Block the sun.  Remove CO2 from the atmosphere.  Cut down forests.  These people are, actively, anti-life.

Moonbattery Vermont Moves to Outlaw Energy Production – Moonbattery

Spicy Time commentary.

Bless her heart. She thinks she is going to win. – Gun Free Zone

Not only do these guys grow and ship food to the cities, they know how to hunt.  Every hunter is a sniper.

Cut off food, water, and electricity – especially the latter – to the Blue Hives and within a week they’ll turn on each other like rats in a flood.  Related to Spicy Time / SHTF:

Items People Would Kill for in a Crisis – Ask a Prepper

How to Protect Your Car from Becoming a Target After SHTF – Ask a Prepper

How to Communicate When the Grid Is Down – Ask a Prepper

I got a satellite phone through Shepherd Group.  Not cheap, but doesn’t rely on the phone / internet structure.  It DOES need line of sight to the satellite (so to make a call I have to go to a clear area).  He also has IT security and other products.  If you contact him, please mention me as – in full disclosure – I get a commission.

Moonbattery Episcopal Church Replaces St. George With LGBTism – Moonbattery

Their tendrils penetrate everywhere.  And people react:

One million United Methodists quit the church after sex rule change

Communist Democrats like Bennie Thompson want to deny Trump Secret Service protection (

They don’t want him disgraced or out of the race.  They want him dead.  But that’s not all.  They want YOU dead.



The Universal and Imperialist Islamic Mandate | Hungarian Conservative

Know your Islamic enemy.

Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax | ZeroHedge

We know that AI voice fakery can fool most people.  We know that AI videos are not perfect, but… we don’t know what the alphabet agencies actually have available (doubtless far, far, far beyond anything we’ve seen).  Watch out for outright fakery.  And censorship dialed to 11:

FEDS ATTEMPT TO SHUT DOWN INFOWARS TONIGHT – Alex Jones Breaks Down in Tears on Live Show – Heartbreaking Video – Steve Bannon Urges Alex to Take Them to the Mattresses! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Megyn Kelly EXPLODES In Fiery Monologue Calling To Toss Democrats In Prison: ‘The ONLY Way’ (

I agree with the fire in the belly.  I disagree with the theme.  First… RINOs.  Second… courts.  Third… you have to win elections to do this.  And the Left has proven they will stop at nothing.  Do you think, seeing what Trump is experiencing, that people who might otherwise run for office will shy away?  Yes.




The mysterious disappearance of a Mexican ‘supermodel’ Gabriela Rico Jiménez who emerged screaming from glitzy hotel claiming the elite were ‘eating humans’ … and then vanished | Daily Mail Online

I remember seeing this video, years after the fact.  Not surprised she got disappeared.

Tulsi Gabbard on how the verdict against President Trump in New York has caused a major degradation of our Rule of Law in the country:

Our “DEI” military in action.  If we need them to defend the country, we’re screwed.  Of course, if we have to fight them, I like our odds…

Pharma giant Merck was caught fudging the data for the effectiveness of their MMR shots.  But when taken to court, the (probably bought off) Judge says:  That’s OK, the government knew about it and will mandate them for kids anyway. Do you still “trust the science”?:

Irons in the Fire: Holy crap… at what point do we start taking corrupt bureaucrats and pharma execs (

Related:  It’s now coming to light that Dr. Fauci were not just pushing the “Covid-19 came from a wet-market” narrative, they were actively covering up the REAL origin (the Wuhan lab), and the fact that THEY were FUNDING the gain-of-function research at the lab.  To paraphrase a good friend:  Rope, Tree, and Criminal.  Some assembly required:

Fauci & Co. need to pay a price for funding Wuhan lab research — and trying to cover it up (

Pro-Vaccine Doctor Realizes She’s Been Injected With Poison — Video (

Fauci admits ‘science’ behind masking kids, 6-foot social distancing was made up | The Post Millennial |

NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers, a fact they tried to hide (

Just call BRIBES… “Royalties”.

In the 1970’s, the UK used blood supplies from HIV patients that they KNEW were infected to give to people who needed blood, which helped “kick off” the AIDS epidemic.  Our current FDA is now opening up the blood supply to accept gay men.  What could possibly go wrong?:

Rishi Sunak Admits to ‘Infected Blood Scandal’ – American Thinker

Wealthy conservatives who donate to Donald Trump are getting “visits” by the FBI.  This is why I all my political donations are done anonymously, through postal money orders, which I pay cash for. And I mail the letter from a place far from my home.  Read the comments also, as several stated that after a large donation, their business got audited by the IRS.

Another good reason to keep you head on a swivel:

NEW Info About the Chechen Illegal Who Was Shot While Possibly Surveilling Special Ops Soldier’s NC Home – RedState

This is an excellent article by Jeffery Tucker of the Epoch Times showing the “3 layer state” that exists today, and how they are REALLY the ones in charge, and that they don’t care about the law, or the Constitution:

The 3 Layers of the Technocratic State | The Epoch Times

Those of you in Maine Stands Up will recognize Dr. Meryl Nass, who hails from Ellsworth, Maine.  Here she is writing about how the next “pandemic” to solidify total control over the populations:

Pandemic Preparedness: Coming to a Country Near You | The Epoch Times

Jeffery Tucker on how most internet searches are being manipulated by the government to only allow you to see what they WANT you to see.  This is a good reason to have access to a 2nd form of communication that bypasses government (like ham radio):

Some good news:  School choice is working very well in Florida, to the point that several public schools are looking at being shut down, saving taxpayer money.  Of course, the teachers union and various people who benefit from forcing children into public schools are having fits:

School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close. – POLITICO

6 Best Laying Chickens for Your Backyard – pets indoor


A digital wallet is the first step: How Estonia built its digital state | Biometric Update

It is being held up as an example.

The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted (

Even as we crow that we won, no, they are moving forward.

Even Alone – Please Read All And Pass On To Others – Western Rifle Shooters Association (

Compare militaries.

‘Highway robbery’ by U.S. police gets green light, thanks to ruling | WND | by Bob Unruh

Asset forfeiture.  All they have to do is declare whatever-it-is the product of drug trafficking, and it’s gone.  Good luck getting it back.

Megafossil Carbon Dating Indicates Sweden Was 2-3°C Warmer Than Today During The Last Glacial (

New Study: China’s Loess Plateau 7-8°C Warmer Than Today For Much Of The Last 4000 Years (

But… but… but it’s warming now, right?



And did you miss Zuckerberg’s mega yacht?

Lavrentiy Beria was Stalin’s chief of secret police in former Soviet Union & he said in his reign of terror “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”; he meant he can create a crime out of anyone, (

That’s exactly what the situation is.

Of Course They’ll Put Trump in Jail – PJ Media

Time To Fight Dirty – PJ Media

Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg farm – ABC News (

Food shortage incoming.

Closing out – Surak with info:

COVID-related resources – Surak substack blog




I know, a lot to go through.  But information is life these days.  And even the above only scratches the surface.


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