Night Cap: Proper and Overdue

It wasn’t as if Harrison Butker addressed the students of Yale, Harvard, or some other nefarious communist institution! Rather, Butker spoke to the graduating class at the Christian-oriented Benedictine College, located deep within the heart of America’s “fly-over country!” So, why all this ruckus?

The reason is obvious, yet many shy away from listening. For the longest time, our institutions of higher learning have been overrun with Marxist doctrinaires. Unfortunately, this fact alone qualifies their detrimental status.

Still, every year, hardworking parents send their children off toward these higher learning centers, thinking the best but eventually suspecting and then experiencing the worst. However, as the new freshman class arrives, they fill the ranks left open as the senior class graduates, dispersing to infest our business/corporate sectors and, in general, our country’s well-being.

This rotation has been ongoing throughout my adult life, and yet the routine apparently called for some sprucing up; so along came our public schools with studies that implanted the hammer and sickle doctrines. Now, future freshmen have a running start at being full-fledged and pledged comrades.

All this sounds like a writer with a gifted imagination, but stop and compare what was to what is now being forced fed. Examples are endless, too numerous to detail, yet one recent event, cited above, seemed to rock this mental thievery process, if the reaction it caused in our so-called journalistic world is any indicator. And to think that this caliber of nastiness is being directed at what is still America’s shining traditions and foundational supports.

Harrison Butker’s commencement speech respectfully highlighted motherhood, family, and Christianity. This is in addition to a general acknowledgment of the degrees earned and his best wishes for all the graduates’ future endeavors. Nevertheless, the three topics noted above claimed the media’s ire, along with official lambasting from NFL officials who now enforce this restrictive “woke” stranglehold.

Without delving into the individual quotes from Mr. Butker’s messaging, it needs to be repeated that his commencement invite came from a Christian-based university and that the section of his speech that generated all this ridicule was his revelation of personal experiences and how he and his wife enjoy a rich and rewarding life—one revolving around her being his wife, mother to their children, and homemaker. I might add that this particular section of his speech received an eighteen-second applause!

After listening to all the verbalization and printed rebuke against Mr. Butker, I am once again reminded of journalism’s apparent adoption of Sol Alinsky’s playbook for radicals. To quote one of his “rules,” “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Within its eight-plus page speech, his advice encompassed a broad array of recommendations for the newly minted graduates to ponder upon. Given his self-professed adherence to God, his comments were richly interspersed with faith and his own personal rewards derived from his chosen lifestyle.

This topic, while also on the hatchet list, was too broad-based, so the “target” “picked” was the more personal one-on-one of mother and homemaker, which directly challenges what has been the routine lecture that condemns being held back by male superiority versus a woman’s “be all you can be” career potential. In other words, it has more of a direct, nerve-hitting effect that can easily be expounded upon, given the infamous chauvinist illusion of “keeping her barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen!”

The purpose of ridiculing his wife’s role is meant to dampen Mr. Butker’s entire spiel since he basically champions traditions that are counter to this communist/globalist theorem. To ridicule a part is to condemn its entirety!

The media’s tactic is actually a knee slap protection of it new aged priorities. No longer can concerns be of an individual matter since this is the age of inclusion and equality. Since his words speak of the proven traditions and personal fulfillment from an inner belief, Mr. Butker’s ordeal is just beginning. There is even talk of his possible exile from the NFL!

Not only are the forces of fairness and inclusion denouncing his one-time oratory, but now they intend to penalize him to the point he will no doubt run their gauntlet until he is financially ruined and socially ostracized! All that is now lacking is an open courtroom and an agreeable “judge” so that Mr. Butker’s act can never become a replay!

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