‘New Hampshire Together’ Looks Like Another Prog-Funded Fake Middle-Ground Group

Ever since the organic rise of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) movement in 2009, the Democrats and their donor class have been propping up Chimeras, pretending to be ‘middle-of-the-road’ answers to “extremism.”

Think of it as your typical Marxist third-way front group tapping into “voters” disenfranchised by polarizing language that makes these cutouts appealing. Progressives yell and scream about how far from the center the right is while their donors fund these groups to attract them to their fake middle.

We had the Coffee Party, No Labels, Gen Z Pop, and The Lincoln Project (which bilked uniparty money from both sides) – there are others, but the newest might be New Hampshire Together.

Join fellow Granite Staters for an (in-person) Citizens Assembly in Manchester, the third weekend of June (21 – 23rd, 2024) to discuss how to ensure confidence in New Hampshire elections, reduce extreme polarization, and improve political responsiveness to the public 

Then let’s work together to identify proposals that can make a difference.

The New Hampshire Together Citizens Assembly will consider specific options for addressing the above issues, and, if participants see a path forward that can produce real change, commit to a plan that can deliver results in the 2025 legislative session.

This process is nonpartisan, citizen-driven, and open to all.

Before you start practicing your kumbayah, this new (old) thing is a project of The People, a non-profit (The People Inc.) whose stated mission is to “gather and enable everyday Americans to find common ground and take action together to create a more responsive government of, by, and for the people.” This is a worthy goal, but not unlike its left-wing-funded predecessors, it says the same things and has, you guessed it, a lot of left-wing funding.

The People’s last 990 shows just over one million in ‘donations” from Foundations like,

Skoll Foundation 100K
Bohemian Foundation 250K
Equal Citizens 142K
Rockefeller Foundation 400K
Bipartisan Policy Center 14k
Civic Health Project 25K

I have yet to find any evidence that any of these organizations are not funded by Big Left money and pushing far-left priorities. The Skoll Foundation, for example, is “working to incorporate equity into every aspect of our work.”

Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!”

It gets worse.

The Bohemian Foundation’s founder is Pat Stryker (a beneficiary of her grandfather’s medical technology company – which sold $18.4 billion worth of medical equipment in 2022). She’s a “philanthropist” (worth about 4 billion) who likes to give buckets of money to Democrats and their causes.

In 2006, Stryker gave $500,000 to the Coalition for Progress, a political action committee that donated heavily to support Democratic party candidates in Michigan elections.[9]

In 2008, Stryker gave $87,500 to the Presidential Inaugural Committee for President-Elect Barack Obama.[10]

Stryker donated $3 million to defeat a 2002 ballot initiative regarding bilingual education in Colorado.[6]

Stryker donated $1.5 million to Priorities USA Action, a Super PAC supporting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.[11] She was among the largest donors in the 2016 election.[12][13]

The rest of the list appears populated with like-minded skinwalkers pumping money into another Potemkin third-way middle-ground front group whose true purpose is to move the middle further left.

The Rockefeller Foundation is a notorious supporter of left-leaning political endeavors. Equal Citizens, founded by “money isn’t speech” goof Larry Lessig, is fighting to “fix democracy” and wants reforms to achieve citizen equality.

I think you can paint the rest of the picture. Get people who aren’t sure what stealing liberty looks like and convince them to support fake moderates in the Democrat party while framing their left-Wing proprieties as the middle of the road.

They may protest too much or not at all at this unmasking, but the evidence is what it is. None of these groups would fund The Peoplee so it could then fund a movement that tempers the ideological goals of the modern Democratic Party.

The event and the effort may still be helpful if anyone plans to attend. Public supporters of New Hampshire Together or advocates for it are probably a threat to natural rights and human liberty or soon will be, and some of them will be registered as Republicans.

That would be useful to know.

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