(Cue the music)
The ciiiiircle, the circle of Mondays…
Please remember, I’m down to Monday & Friday. Last week’s Friday Edition.
Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:
- Ridicule cannot easily be fought
- Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
- For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.
Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
Very happy to have his autographed picture. Though, alas, not personalized to me.
Delicious mockery!
Control the information flow, control what people believe.
Remember, they are MISSIONARIES. They are TRUE BELIEVERS.
Say WHAT now? My WHAT for sale????? And the fact that there needs to be a law to protect them???????
Ridicule. Beautiful.
Where is Greek steel? Where is the defiance worthy of Leonidas?
No wonder they killed him. (Did I type that out loud? Note: I’m not suicidal or depressed.)
Get the gallows ready, IMHO.
This was very recent. Despite all the evidence these are sham trials, despite all the evidence coming out of Georgia that there were “shenanigans”, this woman bitterly clings (see what I did there) to the belief that the election was completely fair. You simply cannot reason with these people.
I want to say this is the same woman who told me, years ago, that Gruesome Newsom was being groomed for the Presidency. Not sure, but that photo seems to ring a memory bell.
Now in the open.
Not safe. Not effective. Keep saying HELL NO!
Some posts ago I had a picture of some workmen removing a statue of Thomas Jefferson.
Ashley’s diary is real. Confirmed. And yet… his supporters are knowingly dismissing, or even accommodating, this simply because Orange Man Bad.
At this point I think it’s safe to wonder about ANY disease outbreak these days.
Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):
Main computer not working. Will have to do on Friday, so expect a good amount of links.
Pick of the post:
Might be a repeat, but so what? Here, and in another chronologically-distinct letter, she’s denied any physical relationship with Trump. These two things alone, in a just and sane world, should be enough to have the case dismissed with prejudice. Related:
Analysis of the above yields:
And I love the acting in this scene. The tone and tremor of the man speaking about the Rule of Law makes you really believe it.
A Man for All Seasons – The Devil Speech (youtube.com)
Palate Cleansers:
Come back Friday for another edition. Same Meme Time. Same Meme channel.
Please do consider buying me a coffee.