Harrison Butker … Hero

Harrison Butker, the Kansas City Chiefs kicker, spoke some “inconvenient truths” in a commencement speech at Benedictine College. Those “inconvenient truths” include that Joe Biden is a fake Catholic, DEI is tyranny, and female graduates would find a better, more rewarding, and more productive life as wives and mothers than in corporate-style careers.

Needless to say, the Left … including the NFL, which, like every other American institution, is controlled by the Left … lost their minds. Of course, the reason the Left lost their collective minds is that Butker was speaking the truth. For example:

What a contrast between Butker and the weak, timid, soy-boys “leading” the GOP, especially the NHGOP who believe the truth should remain unspoken if it might offend “the Bedford moms.”

Here is the full speech:




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