A Tested and Worthy Champion

Most can guess who I am referring to; yes, this will be about Donald J. Trump. But before dismissing this read, try asking yourself one question. What’s more important, your animosity towards the man or our country’s survival?

What awaits this November is no longer about politics but about our Country’s actual continuance. Therefore, this situation calls for a capable and forceful leader but, above all, a loyal leader, not some vote-seeking glib mouthpiece who has never cashed a working man’s check!

We’ve all heard those expressing their displeasure over President Trump’s occasional response, of which even I have, at times, felt he might have been more tempered. However, everyone owns their personality, temperament, quirks, and irks. We humans are all different and individually unique with our separate ways and mannerisms. Given the seriousness of today, what lasting benefit comes from hearing a politician’s pleasing promises yet avoiding taking a stand on important issues?

Contrary to his occasional gruff words, there’s also a charm that the American voter instantly recognized and latched onto. He doesn’t bloviate! He spoke and still speaks the same message and in every day language, maybe a bit harsh but always what is needed to be said and heard. A perfect example was his appeal to minorities, “what have you got to lose?” This style of communicating works, which is why it’s not part of any political science coarse!

True leadership remains uncaring as to whether feelings may be hurt. This fact may unsettle some, but sensitivities are antithetical to an effective, inspiring, and worthy leader. So, when continuing with this anti-Trump drumbeat rather than applauding his peace-producing and productive record, it only reflects back upon the naysayers. This approach, choosing stubbornness rather than forgiveness, also challenges its Biblical quality defined as being Divine.

A by-product, which for understandable reasons never gets air time, is that from these eight-plus accusatory years of Trump bashing, an intimidation element has been introduced into our supposed free elections! The democrats have greatly narrowed the candidate field simply from their free wheeling of criminal charges, which are intended to occupy Trump’s campaign days while also draining his funds. Who, other than another billionaire, can follow in Trump’s MAGA footstep which has protected and provided our country with her legally scripted and proven venue? As such, America’s free elections are fading as they now resemble what in the trades is known as “a closed shop.”

Another particular of Trump questions the “hows” and “whys” that spur such a successful and affluent man to set aside all his deserved luxuries that so many of us strive to obtain in order to serve and better the country he so dearly loves. And now, he has signed up for another salary-donating hitch! So the motive is certainly not money nor is it notoriety. Not intending to further ruffle some of the reader’s feathers but could it be a spiritual calling? What else could fuel such dedication and drive?

Certain happenings occurred during our War for Independence which prompted various Founders to suppose Divine Providence being a factor in America’s quest for freedom. Within “45,” it’s certainly a possibility, at least for some of us to consider, that a celestial influence could provide his inner strength for withstanding what most would and could not endure.

Trump’s words not being part of the usual political jive was and still is another plus that magnetized his support; no, he was not a career politician, nor was he indebted or controlled by anyone. His life and career revolved around and were dependent upon successful deal-making, which also entailed being true to his word. This character trait carried over into his Presidency and has been a building block for amassing this public trust and admiration. In political circles, this didn’t and still doesn’t play well!

To wrap up, and with grateful thanks for Trump’s love and loyalty to our country and her people, America’s wise old sage, Dr. Ben Franklin offers a thought. This slice of wisdom was spoken during our 1787 Constitutional Convention: “I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”

Being in agreement with Dr. Franklin, we might also add that a nation may not fall without His notice and permission! November will answer this, one way or the other!

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