Fetterman Can Become A Serious Leader

Sometimes, heroes arise in the most unlikely manner. Who could have predicted that Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) would become the voice of reason in the Democrat ranks and show support for the Republican Immigration bill, HR-2, that has been locked in Chuck Schumer’s desk since it passed the House on May 13, 2023.

Though he is not ready to sign off on the totality of the House bill, he calls the bill a solid framework to achieve the secure border that Donald Trump gave to Joe Biden in 2021. Republicans need to work with Fetterman to grow support for HR-2 in the Senate, force Majority Leader Schumer to do his job, and put the bill on the floor for debate and a vote.

Conservatives were appalled in 2020 when the Democrat Party allowed stroke victim Fetterman to remain on the ballot against Republican candidate Dr. Oz. The voters of Pennsylvania chose Fetterman to represent them in the Senate, but they also re-elected Representative Anthony DeLuca, even though he had died a month before the election. We all thought that the Key State voters had lost their collective minds. To his credit, Fetterman has overcome the effects of his stroke and a lengthy battle with debilitating depression. Against all odds, Fetterman has become a voice of centrist reason in Congress.

Fetterman’s support for HR-2, which he qualified with some exceptions, drew praise from hardline Republican Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX). Todd Pergram of FOX News spoke to Roy, who said, “The new and improved Fetterman can wear whatever he wants, if he keeps talking like that… I’m glad to see him talking about ‘hey, there’s some provisions in HR 2 that would actually do the job.'” Roy’s praise referred to the longstanding criticism of Fetterman by Republicans over the Senator regularly wearing shorts and a hoodie.

Fetterman is a big man with a growing presence in Washington. The reason for that new popularity is the Senator is a counter to the Radical Left that has been loud and center stage for eight years. The WOKE Radical Left may finally be losing traction. Whether the Transgender issue or the support of Hamas and the Palestinians that pushed too far, there are signs the support is waning or ambivalence is setting in. Neither of these scenarios is good news for the Democrats.

Fetterman is on board with working with Republicans to secure the border. This thinking is at a time when bipartisan is a word that might be cut from most dictionaries. He also has been very vocal about removing corrupt Senator Bob Melendez, who is under investigation for the same laws that Joe Biden is guilty of violating. He is also an avid supporter of Israel and condemns the Radical Squad members for turning their backs on Israel. This is all excellent news for Republicans but alarming for Democrats. If members of Congress start moving back towards the center, Joe Biden will have a decision to make. Does he stick with the Left and roll the dice on the election, or does he grab onto that big man from Pennsylvania and get a free ride to the mainstream middle?

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