Joe Biden Read Classified Government Intel to a Ghostwriter Who Then Tried to Hide The Evidence it Happened

My headline includes multiple crimes: VP Joe’s illegal possession of classified information, sharing it with a ghostwriter with no clearance, attempting to hide, erase, or delete evidence, and making eight million dollars on the book written using that information. It’s OK. They were Democrats, so no charges have been filed.

If anyone else (you, me, Eric Trump, The Donald) had shared these state secrets illegally obtained, the full weight of the US Government would have been upon them. Jail time would have been for everyone, but none of that happened. Everything else did.

[A]mong the more intense moments at the hearing, there was one electrifying series of questions where Congressman Jim Jordan prodded [Special Counsel Ben ]Hur into admitting that not only did Biden take classified documents — when he was just the vice president, with no presidential declassification powers — but Biden also disclosed official secrets to the guy who was ghostwriting Joe’s autobiography, a guy with no security clearance.

Joe then made $8 million bucks on the book deal.

Please move along, ladies and gentlemen, nothing to see here.

Other highlights of the hearing included Special Counsel clarifying that memory issues included in his report are there because Biden kept bring it up and then proving his own case, even when Democrats tried to get Hur to explain it away using other langauge.

Hur did not back down on his assessment of Biden’s memory, proclaiming that the “president himself” made it an issue. In one case, the president tried to deflect from his inability to recall an event by claiming his son had died in the same year. As Hur notes, Beau Biden actually died two years earlier, in 2015. The White House lied about that exchange in the initial aftermath of the report, claiming that it was the special counsel who brought up Beau Biden. The president repeated that assertion during a disastrous press conference. The transcript, which Hur had at the ready during the hearing, showed otherwise.

And it wasn’t just Democrats in Congress who were working to hide these issues from the public.

On that same topic, Hur was asked about whether the White House pressured him to change parts of his report to protect Biden politically. He confirmed that did happen, sharing details of a letter in which it was demanded that mentions of Biden’s failing memory be removed.

What do the White House and Joe’s Ghost Writer have in common? Obstruction of Justice!

Another incredible exchange came when Rep. Adam Schiff suggested that Hur should have released a sanitized version of his report so as not to make judgments about someone who wasn’t criminally charged.

Of note is that Schiff fully supported Robert Mueller’s special counsel report, which made all sorts of negative claims about Donald Trump despite the former president not being charged with any crimes. The California congressman also lived on television for several years, making all kinds of wild accusations involving Russian collusion, including claiming to have proof. For him to go after Hur for reporting the facts on Biden’s activities and testimony is the height of irony.

Nothing will, of course, come from any of this. No one charged, no indictments, no media circus, or 24/7/365 coverage with expert commentary. That’s for the enemies of the deep state. Actual crimes, no punishment. And they wonder why a growing number of Americans don’t trust any of these bastards. But this is all public now, so it has its uses.

You can use it to melt progressive snowflakes.

Prison would have been better.


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