The scope of damage caused by mRNA and lipid-nanoparticle technology might take years to unravel, but the data to date is not good. Many, including those who rolled a sleeve or two during The Scare are looking side-eyed at the blood supply, and yes, some have risen to meet that need.
Since the pandemic began, there has been a growing trend of people rejecting blood transfusions when their doctors can’t or won’t assure them the blood they are to receive would be from someone who hasn’t been vaccinated for the virus, no matter the risk of morbidity and mortality.
Now, grassroots efforts are revolutionizing blood donation by connecting Covid-19 unvaccinated blood donors with those in their own communities who need safe blood transfusions.
There is no guarantee that blood from the usual suspects like the American Red Cross is not contaminated (they don’t test for it) so if this is something that matters to you, there are resources available to consider now before you need blood and there’s no time to waste.
- SafeBlood Donation (Need a donor)
- Pure Blood Registry
- Blessed By His Blood Cooperative
- My True Blood
We have not checked or vetted these. This is just information. You’ll need to do the legwork.
And here’s a video with Del Bigtree from Highwire and the director of media relations for discussing Safeblood and the availability of blood from people who did not get the mRNA injections.