You Say You Can Make Men Lactate ... But Won't That Destroy The Planet? - Granite Grok

You Say You Can Make Men Lactate … But Won’t That Destroy The Planet?

The reimaging of CO2 as a planetary poison (by Marxists bent on controlling people while destroying capitalism) is silly. Still, it presents opportunities to embarrass these systemic dumbasses that might not otherwise be possible when their wingnuttery gets the best of them in other ways.

For example, making the batteries to store wind and sun energy (more like coal, gas, and oil) ruins ecosystems and indigenous people, but that happens too far away to see. If you bring it up to these self-proclaimed defenders of ecosystems and indigenous people, they call you names and pretend it’s not true. It’s a common theme. Progressives must pretend a great deal to prevent reality from colliding with the fantasy of their politics.

The energy needed to “recycle” from cleaning to moving to processing to shipping it to China (where they dump a lot of it in the ocean) to recovering and prepping and then remanufacturing what can be used has a tremendous “carbon” footprint and even Green advocates have admitted it is neither beneficial nor a good use of our energy or effort. (Hint: burying it instead of shipping it to Southeast Asia would keep more of it out of the ocean, and doesn’t shipping emit emissions or something?).

Lab-grown meat. Fake meat from plants. Both have significant CO2-related impacts, greater than that which they are meant to replace, but we’re meant to ignore all of that, and right about now (roughly 200+ words into it), you’re wondering where the lactation bit from the headline comes in.

“…a leaked letter from a University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust medical director claimed that milk produced by trans women, with the help of drugs, is “comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby.”  …

The letter went on to convey certain guidelines that allow trans women to produce milk through “induced lactation.” They must take the hormone progesterone to develop milk-producing glands. Other drugs, such as domperidone, which is given to biological women who are having difficulty breastfeeding, are needed to help stimulate the production of prolactin, another hormone that signals the body to produce breast milk.

Putting tits on a bull and lactating ones at that, and why not? We’ve got the technology, and it’d be like the #wokest thing ever—a culmination of time, energy, and chemistry for another completely unnecessary purpose (the actual women who gave birth are already lactating). It is an unnecessary purpose, which, I’d have to guess, comes with a significant carbon footprint.

All that R&D, manufacturing, distribution, storage, public health space, staffing, and record-keeping to make and track the injections (you can never stop or you’ll stop lactating), and you’d be right to wonder – the same way you look at that food container you have to wash before taking it to the recycling center – is this whole process really emitting less by the time it’s all done? It’s not, but just like the not-so-green movement it toto, you’ve missed the point.

The idea is that you are trying to do something the political left loves, and this is more important than anything else. Drugs won the war on drugs, crime is winning the war on crime, women’s rights belong to men now, and so on. The left is your shit-face cousin who has never had a real job but is somehow in charge of everything.

And it doesn’t matter that millions of women choose not to breastfeed (or have abortions), which means that men pretending to be women don’t need to feel weird about not needing or doing either. It’s that one woman, somewhere, chose to breastfeed, so it makes medical and mental health sense to find a complex chemical means to ensure that you can charge a man a fee (or, more likely, taxpayers a fee) to make them lactate (probably in prison).

Lottie Moore from the think tank Policy Exchange, which exposed the letter, told the Telegraph: “This letter is unbalanced and naïve in its assertion that the secretions produced by a male on hormones can nourish an infant in the way a mother’s breast milk can.”

Man milk is to actual breastfeeding as Bud Light is to beer. It’s not really beer. It just looks like it, and until Mulvaney started “lactating” Bud Light, there were a lot more people who thought it was (beer). They’ve since seen a different light, but there are still plenty (too many) folks who cling to the idea, probably because, in this economy, it’s a beer they can afford, unlike the treatments for man milk, which is not to be confused with … nevermind.


The quality of the lactation “product” isn’t even the point. It’s not about the children. This is about reputation enhancement. Look what we did. We killed 40 million unborn babies or made humanized mice, the (cough-cough) cure for COVID, and no lactating man boobs (Kramer’s going to be rich), which is an exciting goal given that most of what passes for gender justice is a little more than the century-old progressive sterilization agenda man-whore in a new dress.

You’ve ruined humanity and the planet, but hey, he’s Got Milk!
