There is not one Machine Media talking head or reporter who claims to be a journalist who wouldn’t sell their soul for a chance to interview Vladimir Putin. That’s just a fact. World leader. Times of crisis. Some amount of risk. It’s a massive get unless the journalist is Tucker Carlson.
He’s in Russia, and the left has lost their mind. Carlson is a Kremlin apologist—a useful idiot for Putin.
The same people would give up their souls for a one-on-one with any number of historical figures far more despicable or with whom they’ve little if any, respect, but it would be journalism. It is a rare opportunity for someone in Western media to be permitted that access. They might even have lists of questions prepared that they would want to ask.
Tucker Carson is in Russia, so it’s something else, but here’s the thing about that. Every reporter who interviewed Donald Trump after he became the Left’s Anti-Christ must then be a Trump Tower apologist. They are useful idiots for Donald Trump. They gave him a platform for his deplorable views.
Those are the new rules.
Kristen Welker, most recently. Josh Dawsey for the Washington Post. Jim VandeHei and Jonathan Swan for Axios. There are many others. And the comparison works because, in their minds, Trump is as bad or worse than Putin, and they still want to lob questions at him. Fastballs, sliders, curves.
And they’d want to interview Putin as well; they didn’t get that interview, so they have to smear Carlson, which suggests liberals never learn certain lessons.
The more they crap on Tucker, the more relevant and influential he will become. And the more they talk about it – the way they talk about Trump because that’s the sort of news that keeps them employed – the more people will be attracted to Tucker without their interference.
All over the world.
And they hate that more than Donald Trump.