Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow


To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



OK, two out of three.






It takes having disposable income to invest, and when you’re squeezed, you don’t have disposable income.



I weep for this person.  And while I’d certainly not condone it, nor would I blame them if they went postal on those that convinced them to do it.  And I’d likely vote to acquit under the They needed a little killing defense.



This is an excellent point.



Just remember how many Arab Israelis still want Israel gone.  2:191: Take back what they took from you.  Ideology & faith trump economics.  This is something we in the West fail to grasp.








Fabricating a narrative that it was a white person.



Even five years ago I dismissed the idea of “nudging” as unreal, and certainly the idea that governments would deliberately be encouraging mixed-race marriages beyond the pale.  Now… horrible.

The Fly on the Urinal – Urban Scoop (

Interesting that I have to go to the internet archive to find this.





Like above… I’ve known for a long time that the enemedia slants things.  It’s only been in the last few years, since Covid hit, that I’ve become aware of just how in-the-pocket subservient the enemedia is to the DS.






Don’t forget here, in America, how many people were murdered to puff up the numbers.  Why?  To GET TRUMP and to decrease the population.  Not to mention making us afraid.

Fear is the Mind Killer… – Granite Grok





TINVOWOOT, I’m afraid.





There is now a very strong movement to have him impeached.



The constrictor tightens its grip.




Just wait until the forced labor starts.  Rising to the very definition of USEFUL IDIOT.



Now, why would they be so concerned over pedos being executed?









A state within a state, with its own goals.











I weep here too.




Now imagine any GOP pol saying this.





California is bleeding out its productive people.









As elsewhere, the Rainbow contingent is going apesh*t over this.  Why, one wonders.



The problem is that it’s easier to be told what to do.  The inconveniences and lack of freedom of slavery are appealing because it means a stable, albeit impoverished, situation.

Aesop’s Fable: The House Dog and the Wolf (



HA!  I remember some university where there were hunger strikers for some lib cause.  So the Republican students organized a barbecue.  Upwind.  Brilliant!






Get it to law first.  But agree.



There are people who like him because he is destroying America.  Understand, they WANT America to fall.













Two… two… two papers in one!







Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


The Powers-That-Be Are Making Their Move to Drop Biden and Insert Obama – Flopping Aces

My question is how they’ll “retire” The Potato.  My bet is on a gurney to a slab destination.

5 Types of Looters and How to Outsmart Them – Ask a Prepper

And from the same site:

The First Water Source That Will Disappear in a Crisis – Ask a Prepper

Climate Depot – A project of CFACT

Great climate fraud resource.

Iran Fires First Ship-based Long-range Ballistic Missiles – Insider Paper


EMP: A Terrorist’s Dream (


The Nuclear Threat Iran Poses to US (

The Dangerous Global Order with a Nuclear Armed Iran :: Gatestone Institute

And while no sane person wants a war, he asks a good question:

Why Don’t We Want a War with Iran? :: Gatestone Institute

Because – understand clearly – they do want a war.  Remember, in Shia Islam, their promised messiah can’t come until there’s a world war.  Thus WWIII is, to them, a feature, not a bug.  And I agree with his conclusion – that there are no good solutions, just choices between terrible options.  And praying that it will not happen is, IMHO, not an option that does anything but make it more inevitable.

How To Ensure a Big, Ugly War with Iran – Victor Davis Hanson (



Now why would they do this?

China’s Infiltrators: ‘They Are Coming Here to Kill Us’ :: Gatestone Institute

Here to kill us and help take down America.

Chinese Communist Military-Age Men Are Invading the USA (

Chinese Nationals Among Largest Demographic of Illegal Aliens – Geller Report

Speaking of the border:

Border Patrol Has Nabbed More Watchlisted Terrorists In Last Four Months Than In Previous Years Combined – Geller Report

On the other side of China:

Chinese Economy Limping into the Year of the Dragon (

CDC’s own scientists found masks ineffective for COVID – but agency recommended them anyway – LifeSite (

The better to get you used to obeying.

Credit card companies will track gun store purchases in California using new merchant code | Blaze Media (

Cash for everything, especially things like this.  While you can.  Incidentally, I just made a purchase and the form 4473 now has space for the details of the item purchased.

“Transplacental Transmission of the COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA: Evidence from Placental, Maternal and Cord Blood Analyses Post-Vaccination” – ScienceDirect

“Our findings suggest that the vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood. The detection of the spike protein in the placental tissue indicates the bioactivity of the vaccine mRNA reaching the placenta. Notably, the vaccine mRNA was largely fragmented in the cord blood and, to a lesser extent, in the placenta. To our knowledge, these two cases demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to penetrate the fetal-placental barrier and reach the intrauterine environment.”


Controversial Pfizer Vaccine Trials on Children Raise Concerns in Ukraine – The Chicago Chronicle

Allegations.  Still, at this point, virtually nothing would surprise me about pharma.

George Soros scoops up 220 U.S. radio stations ahead of 2024 election – Washington Times

Control the information flow, control what people believe.  Anyone who thinks that Soros will not influence, if not outright control with an iron fist, what gets broadcast is naïve.  Related:

CBS Fires Award-Winning Senior Correspondent Catherine Herridge After Reporting Joe Biden Kept Classified Documents Involving Bribes From Foreign Countries – Geller Report

CNN Worries That Muslim Migrant Gang Rape Will Bolster the ‘Far Right’ – Geller Report

The longer I live, the more I am coming to the conclusion that if a Muslim blew up enemedia stations and buildings, give them the Congressional Medal of Freedom.

The Verdict Against Mark Steyn Effectively Stifles Speech In America – American Thinker

Steyn wrote the book (mentioned in the article):

A Disgrace to the Profession: The World’s Scientists—in their own words—On Michael E. Mann, His Hockey Stick And Their Damage to Science

And another person involved with a Mann suite wrote:

The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science

Incidentally, Ball offered to plead guilty in a libel suit Mann filed against him if Mann would simply let people see his data and methodology.

The Slow Process of Becoming a Dissident – Identity Dixie

A good article about dissidents and how they all begin their journey with a “huh, that’s funny” moment.  That starts them digging into the information and figuring things out for themselves (instead of just accepting the propaganda presented by the government/media).  The author makes the comparison of how a well read & informed “conspiracy theorist” is also a dissident.

Watch: Investigators Visit Graves of Dead Voters Still on Michigan Rolls (

“Secretary Benson is vigorously opposing our efforts to investigate the tens of thousands of deceased registrants we found on the voter roll,” PILF President, J. Christian Adams said in a statement.

The fact that they’re fighting it says a lot!

Trans activists occupy Iowa state house to protest legal definitions of man and woman | The Post Millennial |

Wait, isn’t this an insurrection?  Related:

Wisconsin MassResistance stops “cancel culture” attempt

Related to child sex abuse:

Pope Francis accused of opposing reforms to tackle clerical sexual abuse | Catholicism | The Guardian

Biden admin submits rule to force all public schools to embrace LGBT ‘identities’ – LifeSite (

Biden giving veteran healthcare resources to illegal immigrants (

Veterans, everything.  Illegals, nothing.  Period.




Pick of the Post:



These people are going to kill all life on earth.




Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee







    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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