“Dead People Should be Able to Change Their Gender”?

You might be asking yourself, how exactly might a dead person change their gender, and I have the answer. If they were a boy pretending to be a girl, and their bones got dug up some years from now, they’d be identified as male. We wouldn’t need an act of law for that, of course, just nature – so this headline is about something else.

UK Labour MP Charlotte Nichols is concerned that people who’ve been pretending to be some sex other than the one mom and dad saddled them with at birth might be misremembered if the death certificate says what they were and not what they claimed to be. I know this is from the UK (Ungendered Kingdom?), but most of this crap starts in one place, and the next thing you know, every progressive on the planet has to have it, too, lest their own ideological brethren brand them as bigots.

‘The genesis of the petition was the murder of my constituent Brianna Ghey, whose life was brutally cut short before she was old enough to have formal legal recognition of who she was and how she will be remembered by her family, friends and our community.’

Nichols, who might be remembered as a redhead or a mousy brunette (she is pretending to be one but, based on photos, appears to be the other), seems overly concerned about this non-problem. And it is, as she has articulated it, a non-problem. None of “Brianna’s” family or friends are likely ever to see her death certificate, let alone refer to it before “remembering” who she was. We knew her better than anyone, but what’s Her Majesty’s (Sorry, His Majestys) coroner got to say? Well, call me late for Tea; Brianna was a guy!

No. They will speak of them as they knew them, not as the coroner has scientifically documented. As in real life, you can pretend as much as you like about nearly anything, and if anyone goes along, that’s what they’ll remember. Social media, recollections, written words, pictures, and videos are the things that define the memories of people whose lives were stolen by misguided government health meddling, socialized medicine, neither safe nor effective “vaccine” mandates, or flawed non-pharmaceutical interventions.

When disarmed neighbors are deprived of their belongings by hooligans trapped in the welfare state who then stab them to avoid being identified, what you’ll recall is not a grossly incompetent national policy on the right to self-defense. You’ll remember that time you could see the embarrassing bulge of her man parts through the yoga pants you told her not to wear without some sort of long billowy top.

You’ll remember them however you want, Government be damned. This suggests that Labour MP Charlotte Nichols drew the short (paper) straw to advance another sparkling facet of the transgender agenda, only to be smacked down by Equalities Minister Stuart Andrew – yes, they have one of those – who said the said Government did not have plans to amend the Act in question, or Sir Liam Fox (the MP for North Somerset), who said,

‘It is patently absurd, factually inaccurate and a statistical distortion.

‘We should not be encouraging the idea that people can simply choose to change their biological status nor should we bend truth to accommodate an ever more extreme and dangerous ideology.’

I bet he’s the bigot, yes – talking about biology and science. How dare he. The next thing he’ll be asking people if they know what a woman is, to which his correct answer might be the bird who does your laundry, not the girl with the bulging man parts in her yoga pants, which, by the way, will be long gone when the archeologist discovers the remains before they are moved to make way for another new mosque in the Islamic Republic of England.

As in, you’ve got bigger problems than this.


  • Auntie Vaquser

    I was a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier. Then I was a Browncoat fighting the tyranny of the Covidists and their Public Health Tyranny Alliance (Among other things). Now I'm just Auntie Vaquser.

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