Cultural Rot: It’s Much Worse Than You Think

WARNING: This post has links to possibly risqué and other disturbing content.  Be advised.




The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn




In the movie Mission: Impossible with Tom Cruise – the first one – has a magnificently-delivered line as they prepare to break into CIA headquarters.  “It’s much worse than you think.”  Well, we’ve been seeing article after article about “books” in school libraries, drag queen story hour, etc.  Here on the grok, all over the Conservative part of the blogosphere, MassResistance is a great group.

A book author and his books, plus two recent videos, came to my attention, so let me dig in a little. And so, leading in… it’s much worse than you think.  Much, much worse.



Do not play the below youtube if you have little ones around.  This has no bad language, but… note the double entendres and other symbolism.  These could get very uncomfortable having to explain why you’re snarling at the screen.

My Big Black Hawk Funny Books Humour #comedy (

Also – this is not his only such book.  He has others.

Link 1.

Link 2.

Link 3.

Lots of others.  And as we’ve seen, from schools and other places, this and similar materials are metastasizing into kids’ hands.

Onward, there’s a point building.



Again, content alert:



Calling for our children – our children – to think that dying young is perfectly acceptable.  Not just acceptable but implicitly something to be welcomed.  And someone made a video and posted it.  Now, I understand the initial video has been pulled off YouTube.  Good.  But that doesn’t change the fundamental thing – someone made it.  Again, point building.



So now this video hits my field of view.  It’s a woman commenter who watches a minute or two of a lead-in to what is, apparently, a new Amazon cartoon (series?) depicting… wait for it… Satan as the misunderstood good guy.



Now, interestingly, perhaps a year ago, both my kids started asking me a question with the simultaneous timing being suspicious: What if God is the bad guy, and Satan’s the good guy?  Now, I’ve always encouraged my kids to think “outside the box,” and even if the questions are uncomfortable for me to have to deal with, I’d rather they had a wide-ranging curiosity and sense of inquiry rather than an ossified “Because someone told you.”  But the fact that both had similar questions at roughly the same time made me inquisitive; I looked for and didn’t see anything that I thought could have triggered this. Agitprop aimed at kids specifically?  I don’t know.

But watch the above video again.  In watching this repeatedly, I noticed several things:

First, it describes Heaven as being ruled by beings of pure light who worshipped good.  Ruled by beings… not a singular G-d, but plural beings.  And worshiped good, not G-d.  It’s curious in the notable absence of the one central figure here.

Second, Lucifer – wearing a top hat and with the cartoon presentation – comes across as a hip-hot-happening young guy.  Perfect for attracting attention from younger viewers who would, IMHO, very likely find him as a sympathetic dreamer with fantastical ideas for all creation character.

Third, Lucifer is described as someone being disapproved of by the “elders of heaven.”  Again, notice Someone missing?

Fourth, Adam and Lilith.  About Lilith (links in original, bolding added):

In Genesis Rabbah, we encounter a brief midrash that claims that Adam had a first wife before Eve. This interpretation arises from the two creation stories of Genesis: In Genesis 1, man and woman are created at the same time, while in Genesis 2 Adam precedes Eve. The rabbinic tale suggests that the first creation story is a different creation, in which Adam has a wife made, like him, from the earth. For some reason this marriage doesn’t work out, and so God makes Adam a second wife, Eve.

So this cartoon builds off Lilith apparently – by some writings at least – being Adam’s first wife.

The Lilith of this story confronts both Adam and God: she defies patriarchy, refuses a submissive sexual posture, and in the end refuses marriage altogether, preferring to become a demon rather than live under Adam’s authority.

Perhaps the best-known of the new Lilith tales is “The Coming of Lilith,” by Judith Plaskow. In this feminist midrash, Lilith flees the garden because she is an “uppity woman” who doesn’t want to be pushed around by Adam or God.

No wonder she’s become, seemingly, a feminist icon.  She defies the Patriarchy, etc.

Once a source of fear, Lilith has been transformed into an icon of freedom. While some disapprove of this widespread embrace of a former demon, Lilith’s rehabilitation makes sense. The frightening character of Lilith grew, in part, out of repression: repression of sexuality, repression of the free impulse in women, repression of the question “what if I left it all behind?”

Isn’t that feminism in a nutshell?  And I do recall, from many years ago, a vague memory of this.  And apparently one of Adam’s complains was that Lilith wouldn’t obey him so G-d made him a new wife, Eve.

Lilith and Lucifer… rebellious dreamers.  The Lilith mythos of an independent woman who needs Adam like a fish needs a bicycle, a Lilith free to wantonly express her sexuality?  No, nothing appealing to young, hormone-addled female minds in that phrase, no.  And inferential, at least to me, is the attractiveness of such a “liberated” putting-out woman to equally hormone-addled male minds.

Fifth, in this take on things the Apple was not the Original Sin (per my understanding of Catholic teaching at least) but rather being the two well-intentioned lovebirds who merely wished to share the gift of free will with Eve.  How noble.  How selfless and generous.  How appealing to young minds yet again.  And again, no mention of His command to both Adam and Eve to not do so; this was mentioned as an “act of disobedience” – disobeying who precisely?  Not mentioned.

Sixth, as those two love-birds are cast from Heaven, the narrator discussed how one of the punishments was to never see the good that comes from mankind.  Such an unjust punishment for someone who just wants good in the universe, no?

And parenthetically, I love the outrage in the viewer’s voice as she exclaims, at the end, “So Satan’s the victim now”!?  (IMHO she’s a great face to watch to study body language.)  Again fitting in with the Woke idea of oppressors and oppressed.  Now that Satan is a victim, he’s become protected:

Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With ‘Hate Crime’ – modernity

Meanwhile, what’s happened to those who tear down statues like Lincoln or Columbus or General Lee… ?





None of the above examples… none of the child grooming books in schools… none of this – NONE OF ANY OF THIS – spontaneously appeared out of the ether in finished form.  The ideas for each of these came from a human mind.

That human mind had to express the idea to other human minds, who fed back that this seemed like a good idea.  Someone had to then put together a presentation, pitch it to companies / funders / superiors, who then had to agree to fund it.  Artists, animators, writers, etc., had to be hired; surely they knew what was being put out there.  For that OK to pass away video, there had to be camera and set crews who watched as it was rehearsed and then filmed without, one assumes, saying anything; the kids had to have parents who, even if desirous of their children being actors, had to have read the material and still OKed it (like the infamous Little Cuties on Netflix).  And then comes the advertising once the materials are done.  School librarians had to see such books and ask for and get funding for those books, etc., with school boards defending it.  And so on.  Layers and layers and layers of people involved in bringing the final forms to being.

For each example this is a cast of a dozen or more… scores… possibly hundreds.  All on board.  Doubtless those who say WAIT ONE MINUTE are ignored or even punished.  So the rot goes deep.  Very deep.  For every example you see… understand how many are involved behind it.

Added: And how many just go along.  Consider this piece of filth:

School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible | The Daily Wire

And the guy administering the oath just goes along with it.  Look, I can understand, say, a Jew not wanting to put their hand on the New Testament.  A Muslim not wanting to swear on a Bible.  And so on.  Someone shows up to take an oath on a stack of porn and graphic content school books?  And people didn’t turn him away?  Didn’t turn away from him?  So yes, it’s much worse than you think.

Two quotes come to mind to wrap up:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20,Ezekiel 9:9

And this notable thought from John Adams:



Much, much worse than you think.  So, one more quote, from Thomas Jefferson:

‘I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.’


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