Another Day … Another Assault On Democracy In New Hampshire… And Yet More Denial By The NHGOP

In terms of judicial activism, New York’s infamous Judge Engoron has got nothing on New Hampshire’s Judge Ruoff. Engoron has abused his position as a judge in order to destroy one man … Donald Trump. Ruoff has abused his position as a judge in order to destroy democracy in New Hampshire.

I am not going to waste my time (at least for the time being) explaining how dishonest and absurd Ruoff’s education-funding decisions are … because such an explanation would fall on deaf ears. The majority of the NHGOP State Reps and State Senators are SHEEP, who do and think as their “leaders” tell them to do and think.

You can explain to them over and over and over and over again how the State Constitution does NOT contain a right to an “adequate education” and does NOT empower the judicial branch to be the final arbiter of that right (including the power to stealth-order the legislature to raise taxes) … and you would just be wasting your time.

Ruoff’s latest assault on democracy is to order that “the State” … a lovely euphemism for taxpayers … must IMMEDIATELY pay an additional half a BILLION dollars into New Hampshire’s education funding black hole in order to meet the totally fictitious, totally judicially fabricated obligation to “fund an adequate education.” Everything else can remain the same … the same teachers, the same curriculum, the same etc., etc., etc.. If this seems absurd … THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS.

So keep your heads buried in the sand, dear NHGOP. Until your “leaders” tell you to lift them and run around like chickens with their heads cut off, repeating “ONLY A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT,” which represents a capitulation to Ruoff’s assault on democracy.

But be on notice … once you comply with Ruoff’s decision, there will be no going back. The Sununu Supreme Court will interpret your capitulation to mean that they can affirm Ruoff’s assault on democracy, and you will do NOTHING.

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