Tucker Carlson: “There is Probably No Republican Office Holder In the Country Who Hates Republicans More Than Chris Sununu”

Since his abrupt departure from FOX News, Tucker Carlson has become more popular than ever. He’s got his Twitter thing and now the Tucker Carlson Network. He has many avenues for content, his opinion, and interviews, and he has a few thoughts about Iowa, Necon Nikki Haley, and my Governor, Chris Sununu.

Sununu endorsed Haley and has been a relentless advocate to the point of nausea, and I continue to insist that had he wanted to hurt Trump in New Hampshire, Sununu should have endorsed him instead. Haley is bad for a list of reasons. Tucker covers a few in the full clip, like war profiteers, illegal alien invasions, and liberal donors, which should raise even moderate Republican eyebrows. She’s also bad on free speech, among other matters.

Tucker Carlson Uncensored

The entire thing is worth a watch (17 min). Tucker lists a number of problems with Haley, both past and present, donors and policies, that should cause independents to run screaming toward any other candidate. For our purposes, we’ve clipped the bit in the middle that includes  Governor Chris Sununu. History. Archive. Posterity. Remeniscing. “Hey, you remember that time Tucker Carlson said, “Nikki Haley is a committed neo-liberal just like her creepy little friend Chris Sununu?” Good times.

We’ve been calling out Sununu for longer than he’s been governor, so, yes, and we’ve got the receipts. Sure, he’s been good on taxes and guns, and he will veto a lot of liberal garbage from either side, but he’s a social liberal, and given a chance to do the right thing for liberty, he took a pass or kicked it n the ass.

I’m not going to say we can do better, but if you aren’t willing to try, why bother getting up in the morning? It’s only human liberty and natural rights.

Here’s the clip. The entire piece is available here.


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