2023 Person Of The Year

THIRD PLACE: Tucker Carlson. When he was fired by Faux News in April, Tucker Carlson was supposed to go gently into the good night. He didn’t. By defying Faux, Tucker exposed Faux as merely “controlled opposition,” as opposed to a real conservative alternative to Regime-media.

“They” … they being the UniParty … hate Tucker for many of the same reasons they hate Trump. Tucker points out what total all-talk-no-action frauds GOP “leaders” are on the border. He asks questions the UniParty does not want asked, such as how Russia can simultaneously be on the verge of being defeated in Ukraine, but at the same time a threat to conquer all of Europe if the U.S. stops pouring hundreds of billions into the military-industrial complex.

SECOND PLACE: Matt Gaetz. But for Matt Gaetz, Kevin McCarthy would still be Speaker of the House. Gaetz called McCarthy’s bluff. More specifically, McCarthy reneged on the promises he made to become Speaker, betting that nobody would dare go after him and that he was free to continue funding Biden’s agenda … especially the proxy war against Russia, a/k/a the “War in Ukraine” … which is the same agenda as the big-donors and big-lobbyists. McCarthy lost that bet. It remains to be seen how much of an improvement Speaker Johnson will be. But what Gaetz made obvious is that McCarthy and his ilk are UniParty frauds who don’t give a damn about the GOP voters they supposedly represent.

FIRST PLACE: Elon Musk. Without Elon Musk there effectively would be no free speech in the U.S. The constitutional right to free speech is merely words written on paper if the government, acting through the big corporations that control modern communications, can censor information and go unchallenged when they feed the public false information. The suppression of free speech in 2020 was a big part of how the election was rigged. Elon Musk’s “X” alone, in contrast to Facebook, to Google, to pre-Musk Twitter, serves as a venue where Americans can effectively exercise their right to free speech. Without Musk, Tucker would be a footnote and McCarthy would still be Speaker of the House.

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