The Santos Expulsion … GOP Show They Are Cowards And Frauds

What are the two major accomplishments of the U.S. House GOP? Fully funding … repeatedly … the Biden agenda and expelling a solid conservative based merely on allegations of wrongdoing. Not convictions but merely allegations. Nearly ONE-HALF of the GOP Reps joined with the Democrats to expel George Santos.

Not a single impeachment, no end to the runaway, unsustainable, wasteful Ukraine-spending … but now the GOP’s razor-thin majority is even thinner. WHY? It is because the GOP is a Party of cowards and frauds.

Expelling George Santos was nowhere on the list of priorities of actual GOP voters. But it was very, very, very important to the Regime-media. So bye-bye Rep. Santos. Such cowards.

And such frauds. As but one example, insider-trading is rampant in Congress. Yet the self-righteous GOP Reps who voted to expel Santos have no problem with that. What frauds.

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