Parents in Every School District Are Losing Parental Consent Over Their Children

Parents in every School district are losing parental consent over their children. School Boards are revising changes to the EHAB and JLCF policies, which deal with DATA GOVERNANCE SECURITY and WELLNESS, respectively.

They are allowing parental consent per se, but personally identifiable information (PII) still could be captured by third-party vendors because the schools are leaving that fine print up to you to figure out. They are also adding wording to include Mental Health and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), where Wellness was once limited to Nutritional and Physical Health. Learn more on SEL at this link.

Some kids need help, but not all, yet they are applying this to all.

These changes seem harmless and wonderful on the surface, but the devil is in the details. PII includes many things i.e., phone number, address, age, sex, social security and license number, even parent’s information, and so on. If you don’t consent, your child loses out on education that could be beneficial.

Ask the district to protect your child’s PII in all cases, with no exceptions. Gaming companies are now gathering PII also. And if school district SAU4 Newfound can suffer a ransomware attack, then maybe your child’s data is not safe at all.

You heard the saying Cash is King. Well, Data is King in this new world, and it’s better than cash; it’s gold to them.

Adding Mental Health, SEL, and using Medicaid to pay for these services is usurping parental consent. The Wellness policy affects All children, including yours. School surveys and assessments on your child are infringing on their and your private personal information by the questions they ask.

Search Pros and Cons of SEL, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Schools now keep a database of information on your child, and some schools are sharing it with outside sources.

NH Constitution, Part 1, [Art.] 2-b. [Right of Privacy.] An individual’s right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent.

Protect your rights or lose them forever!

Representative John Sellers
Grafton District 18


Reminder: The views and opinions expressed in Op-Eds are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion of or its authors.

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