Nikki Haley, This Koch is for You

You will have heard the news by now. Americans For Prosperity – the National mothership, not the local state groups – has endorsed warmonger Nikki ‘No Free Speech‘ Haley as their Insider of choice to keep Donald Trump from his all but certain nomination.

They would have been better off choosing DeSantis (Trump was never an option), but no. Nikki Haley, this Koch is for you. And it has not played well everywhere, including inside NH’s chapter of AFP. Former Grokster Chris Maidment took to X on December 1st to profess his outrage.


There’s a high likelihood I get fired for this, and I didn’t clean out my desk today, but here goes…

I joined @AFPhq and @AFP_NH because we were a principle based organization. 

I found them, almost accidentally, in 2017 when I was a keyboard warrior with no influence.

My wife, my 6-week-old baby, and I, ultimately attended. We found common cause and common allies. Folks that were dedicated to the same cause we were — making NH and America more free. 

Years of volunteering untimately led to a job. But not a job, a passion that paid.

A cause to fight for while still being able to supply for my family. A dream come true. 

I’ve disagreed with @AFPhq over the years on a number of things — COVID, for one — but ultimately believed that @AFPhq and @AFP_NH was such a force and principled enought that it was a place to stake my career. 

Earlier this week, we learned the opposite.

@NikkiHaley might have momentum, and she may even pull off the impossible and win the nomination, but with @AFPAction’s endorsement, I’ve lost all faith in @AFPhq. 

Nikki Haley is totally sideways on @AFPhq ‘s foreign policy stance. She’s anti free speech. 
I respect my colleagues, many of whom will stay and do their jobs, and work to nominate and elect Nikki Haley. 
I will not. In 10, 15, 20 years I want to look my children in the eye and tell them I did the right thing. The hard thing. 


I’ll take exception to the ‘Keyboard warrior with no influence” jab. We don’t pay writers or offer insurance, but Chris was warring with us, and while that may ot have been the influence he was hoping for, it is there, and it is real. People wouldn’t be constantly threatening to expose, cancel, or shut us down if it weren’t. Democrats in the NH legislature even sponsored a bill that would have allowed them to lawfare us into obscurity (it failed). Otherwise, Chris is over the target and dropping truth bombs on the Koch endorsement and Haley.

To be clear as Vodka, Haley was a great UN ambassador, but she turned tail on her boss when the Left turned the heat up on everyone around him. That is a fatal character flaw and not uncommon among Republicans not named Trump. A point made in spades by Patricia McCarthy in a piece titled, “The Republican Party is saturated with abject cowards.”


They caved on Obamacare, a disaster by every account.  Along with their partners in crime, the media, some of them perpetrated the Russia collusion hoax for years, a colossal lie from the outset. They allowed the impeachment of President Trump twice on wholly fabricated and insignificant charges.

So malleable is this Republican Party, the Democrats stole the 2020 election with impunity.

And they’ve done nothing to bring those guilty to light. Why? Because they fear Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” every bit as much as the Democrats do.

They are all, with the exception of a treasured few, committed members of that swamp.  They refuse to stop the extravagant spending that has put us $34 trillion in debt.

They will vote to expel one of their own but do nothing about the long list of criminals that currently sit in Congress:  James Bowman, Rashida Tlaib, Robert Menendez, Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, etc.  Each of them has committed numerous crimes that should get them expelled from office.  Will the Republicans fight back? Not a chance. The few who do speak out are shouted down, silenced. Consider how Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene are treated by their fellow Republicans.


That’s Haley, and it is a portrait, perhaps not of individual Republicans, but certainly of Party impotence. As McCarthy notes, if it were Democrats, they’d be doing what they are doing to President Trump.

The default response to that is, well, we don’t want to be like them. The answer to that is that you are them when you enable it.

Stop being the bystander who records the serial gang-raping of Lady Liberty on your cell phone so you can use it to get more followers on Instagram (or get re-elected ‘cuz, look at what they are doing) and get in the fight.

Doing the right thing is hard, but we’ve got more seat-warmers than warriors, and if that doesn’t change, seat-warming is the only job they’ll let you have, and what scares me is that there are plenty of Republicans who would take it.



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