Joe Biden is making the rounds of the elites on both coasts this week, and it is not sitting well with the average American. Biden has not been very active on the campaign trail since launching his reelection bid, but he has not been very active on the Presidential trail either.
He has been busy announcing new daily restrictions on Americans that hit us in wallets that are getting very thin with more credit cards than cash.
Biden also has time to be in Boston and Hollywood this week. Biden was joined in Boston by James Taylor for an event that cost donors up to $7,000 to see and hear the two Octogenarians. The $7K is almost equal to the $11K that Bidenomics is costing the American family. Still, it is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the $930,000 the elites of California dished out to dine with the President. This exorbitant amount of money should be embarrassing, but these celebrities will spend it gleefully.
To not support Joe Biden would be UnAmerican in California. Prior to this week, Joe Biden’s Campaign has amassed a record-breaking amount of donations and has $91 Million in the bank. That is about $1 for every vote he received in 2020. Both are ridiculous and questionable amounts.
Joe Biden’s official schedule is very lean on events and contains virtually no official events beyond the daily briefing. He has one daily fundraiser, equating to the usual number of official events our part-time President can handle. There is nothing more important to the Democrat Party than to get Joe reelected for another term. Whoever is pulling the strings behind the curtain only has power if Joe is sitting behind the Resolute Desk. Now when he gets elected, if he gets elected, he can drive off to Reheboth and hop on his bike. He will have done his job.
Get out of the way and let the Mystery Team finish the job of destroying America.
We can joke about the money people are throwing at a President in his 80s, but this is serious business, and big money will go to great lengths to ensure Democrat control for four more years. Joe can brag every day that he is the President of the little people and all people. He can talk about his roots in Scranton, but he has been out of Scranton since he was a young lad.
He is disingenuous to still Chaim the Scranton connection, and the people of Scranton have severed ties with him. Joe Biden is an extremely wealthy man, and he achieved that status by being corrupt. That is the other reason he needs to be reelected. He and his family require the cover of the office, hope we disregard the polls, hold off on Impeachment, and let the 37% of the voters keep pulling for Joe, and put Scranton Joe back in for four more years.