Franklin Revisited

Ian Underwood

Ben Franklin is supposed to have said:

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

A variant that I like better is:

Those who would trade liberty for safety will end up with neither.

As I watch self-described ‘libertarians’ scramble to move away from one coercion-based program (the current public school system) and towards another (school choice), because it will ‘provide better outcomes’, I can’t help thinking that Franklin’s maxim is just a particular case of a more general one:

Those who would trade general principles for specific outcomes will end up with neither. 



  • Ian Underwood

    Ian Underwood is the author of the Bare Minimum Books series (  He has been a planetary scientist and artificial intelligence researcher for NASA, the director of the renowned Ask Dr. Math service, co-founder of Bardo Farm and Shaolin Rifleworks, and a popular speaker at liberty-related events. He lives in Croydon, New Hampshire.

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