Artificial Intelligence apps have begun to proliferate across the internet that allow you to take pictures of clothed girls and women with a smartphone and make them nude. Victims feel humiliated, and the potential for abuse is enormous, but I’m sensing a disturbance in the transgender force.
While the rare and few who actually suffer from gender dysphoria deserve appropriate medical and mental health, there is also a known faction of male abusers who use the culturally accepted feelings of femininity to gain access to vulnerable women in once-private spaces.
When I read about young men using some new idea or bit of technology to creep on girls and women, even when the naked parts don’t truly belong to the person to which they are attached, I am offended but, at the same time, reminded. A boy can let his junk hang out while ogling girls in a locker room if he claims to be one, but no one has a right to feel humiliated by that.
To borrow from one of the victims of the AI App incident at Westfield High School in New Jersey.
‘We’re aware that there are creepy guys out there but you’d never think one of your classmates would violate you like this.’
What if these creepy boys announced that they were girls so they could watch you change in front of them or step in and out of a shower in the girl’s locker room? You have zero consent with an understanding that if you complain about the locker room, you are an intolerant bigot.
To be clear, neither of these things is acceptable, but when you invest that much time and energy sexualizing the culture and dehumanizing the meaning or product of intercourse, then build onramps to voyeurism and sexual assault, you’re going to have a hard time justifying any outrage over things we used to just accept as inappropriate or offensive.
Before you get offended, ask yourself: did you enable it, were you forced to enable it, and are you prepared to do whatever is necessary to reel that back in, if that is even possible? And if not, how do you expect to move forward in that world if this isn’t going away?
So many questions.