Night Cap: No Comrade Wilhelm … Democracy Is NOT On The Ballot

Democracy is a PROCESS. Democracy is NOT a RESULT. Democracy is a process where voters get to vote for the candidates of their choice, i.e., the ruling class does NOT get to choose the candidates by, for example, bringing bogus “criminal” prosecutions of candidates they don’t want to be elected.

Charges to prevent or severely compromise the ability of these “unacceptable” candidates to run for office.

Democracy is a process where the voters are able to fully inform themselves prior to voting, e.g., the ruling class does not get to classify information it wants to keep from the voters as “disinformation,” and the “media” and big tech then dutifully censor that information.

Democracy is a process where elections are fair … i.e., no mail-in voting, no drop-boxes, no Zuckerbucks, no stopping the count in the middle of the night, etc., etc., etc.

Matt Wilhelm, the leader of the New Hampshire House Democrats, does NOT believe in actual democracy. He is a communist who not surprisingly, believes in communism.

To Wilhelm, democracy is a result where only the candidates approved by the ruling class – and to be clear, Wilhelm believes, just like Lenin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. believed, that he and his ilk are our natural rulers .- get elected. Wilhelm is a communist.



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