Night Cap: And Yet More Evidence That The 2020 Election Was Totally RIGGED

One of the reasons that Trump is running away with the 2024 GOP primary is that GOP voters do NOT believe the Establishment/NeverTrump argument that the 2020 election was a legitimate election and proves that Trump cannot win in 2024.

Also, it was their votes that were stolen, negated, whatever you want to call it. This point bears repeating because the Establishment/NeverTrump just does NOT get it … the victims of the 2020 election were the millions of GOP voters whose votes were stolen, negated, etc., by the censorship, the false leaks from the Deep State, Zuckerbucks, the illegal changes to voting rules, the mail-in voting and drop-boxes, etc., etc., etc.

The latest … Jim Jordan has exposed that DHS was censoring to help elect Biden.



And an example of the effect of the censorship … the censors squashed Sean Davis’ tweet about the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s illegal change to the mail-in voting rules.


According to a new investigative report by @JudiciaryGOP, we know for a fact that DHS/CISA and its censorship regime, in concert with corrupt third-parties and Big Tech apparatchiks conspired to target and censor me specifically. Just days before the 2020 election, I reported on a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that allowed late ballots without a postmark to be counted as valid ballots.

I took a screenshot of the opinion, quoted it, and provided a link to the court decision. Twitter censored my post at the time and falsely claimed I was “misleading about an election or civic event.” We noticed it when it happened and called it out immediately. Now we know why it happened: DHS/CISA specifically targeted me, complained that the reach of my tweet was “viral” and “growing exponentially” and then demanded that it be censored by Twitter.

You read that correctly: our own government had a temper tantrum that my indisputably accurate tweet was gaining traction and calling into question the integrity of the officials who defied state law and allowed late, un-postmarked ballots to be counted. Our own government demanded that Twitter violate 1st Amendment right to speak and to report the news, and they demanded that Twitter violate your right to consume news in the middle of an election.

We know when they targeted me, why they targeted me, and we even know the name of the third-party researcher they used as a censorship middleman to launder government censorship. They lied about my tweet, they lied about the facts, and they shredded the Constitution. The damage done by these illegal censorship activities is incalculable.

To me, to my publication @FDRLST, to all of our readers and followers, and to our country writ large. This is how a republic ends: not with a bang, but with illegal simp censorship.



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