The narrative from the Regime-media and both Parties goes like this … a small group of Republican “extremists” refuse to fund the government because ____ (fill in whatever nefarious reason you like: they hate the government; they hate Speaker McCarthy; they’re irrational; blah, blah, blah); these “extremists” are the children in the room and the politicians who want to keep the spending machine chugging along are the adults in the room. And it is all a LIE.
Matt Gaetz’s interview on CNN should be an eye-opener. I already posted about it: Must See Matt Gaetz … The actual adults in the room are the supposed “extremists” who refuse to fund government via “continuing resolution” or “omnibus” because “continuing resolution,” “omnibus” etc. are how the UniParty continues to spend far, far more … $2 trillion annually … than it takes in, without accountability. I HAD NO CHOICE; THE ALTERNATIVE WAS TO SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT.
But, as Gaetz exposes, the UniParty manufactures shutdown crises. The UniParty refuses to follow a normal appropriations process, which would expose what the innumerable alphabet-soup of government agencies are spending precisely because they do NOT want that exposure. It is NOT a Republican vs. Democrat thing … it’s the system versus the rest of us.