A consortium of ‘experts’ is making a case for Climate Change. To get there from here, we need a “71 percent reduction in personal vehicle ownership.” Why? All that rare earth metals mining is bad for the planet.
That’s refreshing. Someone who thinks they know everything has come to a conclusion we’ve been sharing with each other for years. The Net Zero fantasy is little more than emissions offshoring. This battery fetish thing is wrecking the planet, local ecosystems, and – to borrow from the Democrat Dictionary, indigenous peoples.
Their solution?
Smaller Lithium batteries, smaller and fewer vehicles, and even smaller homes. Have Less, Do, Less, Be Less. A phrase we attribute to the Democrat party. It’s the Left’s agenda boiled down to a bumper sticker. And they don’t mean them. They mean you.
“Making bus routes, metros, and electric bikes faster, safer, and more convenient will disproportionately support low-income and non-white community members – who are more likely to live near high traffic areas and bear the environmental health burdens of relatively poorer air quality compared to higher-income and white counterparts,” the group further said.
The dream as marketed is impossible, so we, the consortium, are here to tell you that even as you pretend to promote climate justice, you are doing it wrong. Large, comfortable vehicles with increasingly longer range are not the answer.
“This report intends to empower people and policymakers across the country with the arguments, evidence, and proposals they need to advocate for a maximally just transportation future,” the report reads.
At least they’re semi-honest about it all. The cost to forcibly transition everyone from fossil fuels needs to be reimagined, and they are the new Pied Pipers of Net Zero; come to lead your children away from the world you live in and place them in Climate Cult foster care where things get increasingly smaller, less useful, and unreliable.
And they are not going to give them back, your children or modernity, even if you agree to play along.