What Is a Matrix Attack and How To Stop It - Granite Grok

What Is a Matrix Attack and How To Stop It

What is a ‘matrix attack’?

If you have had the courage to investigate some of the more outspoken critics of the contemporary power structure today, you might have seen their references to a matrix that exists, which attacks any speaking out.m against a specific narrative and the clique that it stands to benefit.

I took a Masters in Education about five years ago, and two prerequisites were called for that I had not fulfilled during my undergraduate degree. These classes were Race Studies and Women’s & Gender Studies— the lynchpins of the ideologies of the modern leftist insanity gripping the USA. These two courses essentially contained everything underlying what the left has pushed on the English-speaking world over the past few years.

The range of topics includes, most prominently, critical race studies and feminist theory. Both of these fields have one thing in common— they blame all society’s ills on the White Man. It is a question of power dynamics, and historically speaking, they aren’t exactly far from the mark. The important distinction to understand is that their critique of Western civilization is about a century out of date.

In the 1920s, blaming everything on the White Man may have been accurate. Back then, the American Civil War was only a half-century past. African Americans in the USA were still coming to terms with their newfound freedoms and had not yet established themselves in industries where they have today achieved fame and fortune— sports, entertainment, and music, to name a few. Women had not been brought to parity with men yet— that started in 1920, and women’s rights were championed strongly through the ‘60s, ‘70s, and 80s.

The European colonial empires held far more power then than they do today. England, France, Spain, and Germany, along with the United States— all countries that at that time had been led predominantly by White Men, enjoyed vast colonial holdings, which was veritably a global economy dominated by Whites, led by a patriarchy. So, what is taught in these race and gender studies is historically accurate. But it is not true today.

Today’s world in 2023 is different than in the mid-to-late 20th century. The Chinese empire is ascendant and sprawling with its Belt and Road Initiative. African countries enjoy rising levels of sovereignty, and South Africa is led by black nationalists who are right now on a campaign of racial genocide against Whites. India, a largely Semitic nation (not White), just hosted the G20 and landed on the moon. The South American continent is largely composed of mosty sovereign countries and also not White. The White Patriarchy that is the boogeyman of the left today has already been smashed.

The English-speaking world’s leftists are learning about a set of facts describing a world of a half-century ago, attempting to create change based on a reality that no longer exists. That is a critical problem.

Yet, the Deep State structures of the English-speaking world, best characterized by consideration of the Nine Eyes intelligence network, are also mired in this outdated race-based geopolitical understanding. That intelligence network connects the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and several other leading Western countries. It is the backbone of the movement that caused the “Build Back Better” disaster, orchestrating the puppetry of the Biden junta. It is the WEF/UN power axis that relies on mouthpieces like the Council of Foreign Relations, Open Society Foundations, and the NGO web surrounding them. This is an English-speaking web infected by this outdated belief that the White Man is bad, and they are pushing this paradigm on the planet with no self-reflection whatsoever and no ability to awaken to the present moment.

This group is what some leading geopolitical commentators— Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Russell Brand, and others— have dubbed “The Matrix.” Because of these peoples’ outspoken criticism of the power structure, something that has historically been a rallying cry of the left (“Speak Truth to Power!”), they have been viciously targeted by smear campaigns of all sorts. Allegations of sexual assault, cancellation by online trolls and bots, total gaslighting (being accused of the things their accusers are actually doing).

This is combined with advanced 5th and 6th generation warfare waged against these individuals. Techniques in this style include formenting social media campaigns, interrupting mobile and internet communications technology, disrupting power services, and other offensive signals intelligence warfare tactics. This includes using directed energy weapons, specifically directed soundwaves, at the individuals. If you look on top of buildings in many urban environments, you will find both large speakers and surveillance cameras. This allows organizations with the proper technology to see and influence urban environments.

If you walk through an urban environment outfitted with this (what I will refer to as) 6th gen or 6G technology— the cameras, speakers, and more— you essentially are on a grid. If you have seen the recent film iteration of Tron with Jeff Bridges, you’ll get the picture. On the grid, you can be tracked and influenced by this 6G tech web. It is online and accessible by the Nine Eyes group (and possibly other groups) in large cities like New York, London, and Hong Kong. They use this to target prominent individual decision-makers and influence or manipulate crowds.

They have also increasingly resorted to open lawfare— creating and maintaining junk legal accusations meanwhile waging similar intelligence warfare on the actors involved in the legal proceedings. This is a very sophisticated and complex production that taps a wide 6G network, affecting many people. It requires major news media complicity, but those actors perform this almost naturally.

The most striking aspect of these matrix attacks is the labeling of targets as far right, fringe, alternative, or radical. How can leftists in the Deep State establishment champion speaking truth to power while attacking the people who do it? It is a backward and self-defeating mentality and almost an insanity. It is a devilish twisting of meaning linguistically. When they label Alex Jones as far right, for example, they are saying that he is very correct on many points. Yet the common understanding is that he is on the way opposite end of the political spectrum from what is considered to be acceptable.

The far right, as it is labeled by the political establishment left, is basically everyone they don’t like. This is a combination of radically violent terrorists like suicide bomber fundamentalist Islam jihadists, actual Nazis practicing modern iterations of genocidal eugenics and violently oppressing their political opponents, and well-intentioned truthseekers and freedom-fighting commentators like Jones, Tate, and Brand.

We need to collectively be intelligent and perceiving enough to see the difference between those posing a real danger to civil society and those who are actually doing a most vital function of exposing a perspective on the present reality that the greediest, most corrupted establishment actors for some reason or another do not want people to see.

Precisely, it is foolhardy to allow the Deep State leftists to define the language we use to discuss the present political landscape. Jones, Tate, Brand, and their peers are not far right, radical, or violent. So what are they?

They are strong-willed, principled, courageous truthseekers. They are valiant, freedom-loving people who want only to live in a society where the government is honest and where the states reflect their constitution. If contemporary political actors were not so twistedly corrupt, these people would be speaking in a much different tone.

Speaking truth to power is the keystone of the open society, the civil society. That is why it is protected by the First Amendment in the US Constitution and why we must hold in check any who are outspoken or act in violence against it.

This is how to defeat the matrix attack. Do not let their targets stand alone.

As a caveat in closing, everyone says stupid things sometimes, and nobody is always correct about everything. We all have our own individual perspectives.

