The Constitution Is the Solution!

by Op-Ed

Fixing America Starts With Education. Most Americans are not taught what’s in the Constitution, nor are they aware of its limitations on government that have helped make America great.

The John Birch Society has a new series of DVDs for you to learn how the Constitution was intended to secure rights, not to enable the federal government to infringe on those rights. You’re invited to attend a six-part workshop based on these DVDs that will provide you with a practical, common sense understanding of how the Constitution was intended to limit the government, not the citizens. This understanding will equip you to work with others to solve many of the problems Americans face every day that were created by Big Government.

Franklin was asked “Sir, what have you given us” at the end of the Convention in 1787.

Franklin said a “Republic if you can keep it”! The Constitution is the solution and Education is the key! The six part series will be held at the Marion Gerrish Community Center, 39 W Broadway Derry, NH each Wednesday from 9/6/2023 to 9/27/2023 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

Doors open at 5:30pm

More info: Call Matthew Rhodes at 207-391-0970

Yours for America’s Future,


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