The Capitol Has Been “BREACHED” … Footage Shows DC Police Deliberately Making Entry Accessible And Protestors Entering In Orderly Manner

Ed Mosca

Breach!!! The Capitol has been breached!!! Right … if you believe a breach means being allowed access by “law enforcement” and entering through that access in an orderly and peaceful manner.

Of course, we never see this footage from the Regime-Media … just the same clip over and over and over again of barricades being torn down and windows smashed by … MOST LIKELY … federal agents/plants.

Tonkin Gulf, Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction in Iraq, Obamacare-Will-Reduce-Premiums-By-An-Average-$2,500, Trump-is-a-Russian-agent, mostly-peaceful-protests, Biden-got-81-million-votes, ETC., ETC., ETC..



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