A Couple of Transgender Memes to Get Off My Chest - Granite Grok

A Couple of Transgender Memes to Get Off My Chest

Nitz seems to be the ‘Grok Meme-Master” on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but I thought I’d put these out there as a comparison of the Looney Lefties to we normal people.


Can't cut the barrel off my gun Powerline

(HT: Powerline)

Okay, let me be the “political” engineer in that the “person” on the left may indeed have “daddy” issues but certainly is talking gibberish.  Guns don’t have Rights, but the people who “keep and bear arms” certainly do.  And that would include Transgenders – they certainly have the Right to exercise their Second Amendment Rights just like anyone else that’s an American citizen. In fact, they have ALL the Rights that the rest of us have.

However, they certainly want to deny us our Right to Free Speech and Free expression of religious values (mandatory “preferred pronouns” to coerce the speech of others, making a hot mess of any English set of paragraphs or news stories written by the weak-kneed scribblers that have given into this “social construct” by the Left (their first mistake, I might add). And, given their Leftward worldview set, I’m happy to state they are most likely wanting to destroy our Second Amendment Rights as well.

As to the guy on the right (who appears in many of these types of Left vs Right memes), he’s technically correct in making sport of the fact that most of the transgenders are cutting off their “barrel and magazines”- just pony up the sawbucks and head for that knife-room. Just provide your wallet that will be hoovered up.  Oh, wait!

They expect us, via insurance and government, to pay for their “barrel cutting”. And for the life-long care that comes with that transitioning. It’s their “Right” to be happy, they say (never understanding that a true Right is something that is innate to each of us; to have their “Right”, they cannot demand anything from the rest of us).

Meanwhile, various levels of government still have a “Daddy, may I” outlook in exercising our 2A Rights – including making a short-barreled rifle or shotgun. Yes, technically, we can, but we get “Government entangled” and have to pay the government in order to use that Right.


Next up:

Need a prostate exame at 40 Powerline

(H/T: Powerline)


And this one is just a statement that gender is immutable – that’s MY “social construct” and biologically sound. We DON’T have to accept the Left’s repeated pronouncements (re: think propaganda to move your Overton Window). The pesky thing is that Biology proves that there are only two genders by deliberately marking us as different. Not unequal, just different.

But they really expect us to bow to their demands:


You change to fit me Matt


They are just Selfish and Narcissistic in doing so.

(H/T: Matt)



