White Dude Who Identifies as a Muslim Woman Seeks Return of ‘Family Jewels’ If You Take my Meaning

Steve MacDonald

The world was always a strange, weird, demented sort of place, punctuated by moments of sanity and civility, but those respited are becoming fewer and farther between—case in point. A trans-Muslim woman is suing her ex-boyfriend.

It’s actually a man pretending to be a woman and a Muslim who has filed suit in Michigan. Over what?


“Defendant retains possession of my surgically extracted testicles, preserved in [a] Mason jar, kept in [the] fridge next to the eggs. Demand immediate return of my human remains specimen and damages of $6,500,” 40-year-old Brianna Kingsley wrote in an affidavit against 37-year-old William Wojciechowski, according to a report by Reduxx.


Kingsly has a criminal record, not that it would surprise you. Bri is clearly not all there, with some bits being over there, in a mason jar, in the fridge (next to the eggs), to which she he is still attached, in a detached sort of way. It does, however, present opportunities.

You clearly have no balls here; borrow mine.

And as weird as all of that might seem, what’s up with thinking you are a woman and then claiming to be Muslim? Is this white male guilt in its highest form? I not only feel guilty about my race but my sex, so I choose to be a woman in a culture with a significant potential for being dehumanized as both a woman and a man pretending to be one.

As you proceed on this pilgrimage to recover your testicles, be sure to stay away from rooftops. Some of the more devout members of your “faith” have been known to throw people like yourself off of them.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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