The Faux News “Debate” … Get Ready For Yet More Gaslighting Of Ukraine a/k/a The Globalists War Against Russia

Ed Mosca

So I’m sure you know Faux News is holding the first GOP debate on August 23d, a scant four days from when I am typing this. But did you know a dark-money group is planning to use the Faux debate to prop up support among GOP voters … which is plummeting … for Blackrock/State Street/etc.’s war against Russia? Oh … it’s true; it’s true:

The linked WaPo article is breathtaking in its bias and shameless promotion of the globalists’ war on Russia … which is being waged because Russia refuses to conform to the New World Order. For example, it quotes some “conservative” Republican bloviating about today’s Russia somehow being more of a threat than the Communist Soviet Union:

“They’re being attacked by what I view to be probably a machine that’s worse than the Soviet empire,” Graff said. “I’m just really disappointed with members of the Republican Party who are taking what, to me, is such a shortsighted view and a very politically aimed position.”

Well … perhaps to a faux Republian globalist like Graff a country that rejects globalism and embraces Orthodox Christianity is “worse than the Soviet empire.” The majority of GOP voters, however, do NOT see it that way. Rather, they see it for what it is … another money-grab by the military-industrial complex and more power and profits for the globalists.

And you can count on the Faux “debate” also promoting the globalists’ proxy-war against Russia. Expect “questions” like: “Are we doing enough to support Ukraine” … “Are you concerned about fatigue among GOP voters for supporting Ukraine”  … blah, blah, blah. Totally “fair and balanced” … ha, ha ha.




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