Must See Joe Rogan Experience … Patrick Bet-David On Who Actually Runs Everything

Ed Mosca

Do you ever wonder why CRT, DEI, woke, etc., is so pervasive? It’s because, to paraphrase Patrick Bet-David, a relative handful of people have accumulated enough power to run everything. And, sorry to have to tell you this, bitter-clingers, as long as people like Larry Fink (Blackrock), Jamie Dimon (Chase), etc., etc. possess this power, it is, at best, wishful thinking to call America a Republic or a Democracy.

It is also, at best, wishful thinking to claim that Blackrock, Chase, State Street, etc. represent the free market and totally absurd to claim that the solution is … if you don’t like how they’re pushing woke, then build your own multinational trillion dollar investment company. The vast majority of investors in Blackrock have no idea that THEIR money is being used to attack their values, manipulate their children and, indeed, eradicate their very way of life. Allowing a relative handful of people to have this much power is not a free market … it is the “O” word as in OLIGARCHY.




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