Majority Of Americans Now Oppose The Ukraine Gravy-Train

According to this CNN poll, there has been a seismic shift in American support for funding Zelensky, Inc. and the military-industrial complex … oops, sorry, I, of course, meant Vlodymyr George Washington Zelensky’s epic defense of his country against the evil, sinister, really, really, bad Vladimir Adolph Hitler Putin.

Hopefully, Americans are finally realizing that the Regime-media has been gaslighting us about Ukraine just like they gaslighted us about Russia collusion and so many other things.

The GOP candidates for President have a choice. They can talk about real solutions to the border that actually matters to Americans, our border with Mexico … as opposed to the pablum intended to appeal to voters without alienating the donor class… or they can continue to regurgitate the Putin-is-Hitler shtick that voters apparently have had enough of.




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