If Democracy Dies in Darkness Why is WaPo Trying to Turn Out the Lights?

by Steve MacDonald

The internet threw traditional news and media for a loop, a change that many have weathered but which has metastasized – or perhaps systematized is a better word – the media’s role as the propaganda arm of the Federal government. When we say The Media, we mean Pravda, and WashPo is as reliable a mouthpiece as it gets.

The Washington Post exists to be a stenographer for the inside-the-beltway-Georgetown-uniparty-deep-state message while clinging bitterly to a tagline it has worked hard to contradict. Democracy Dies in Darkness.

In its truest sense, Democracy to them means mob rule and WashPo (WP) may have begun its final descent.

In a recent piece in the technology section, WP bemoans a BLM-like decline in policing on platforms like Facebook and YouTube with X (pronounced “Twitter”) more than just a lost cause. Musk helped expose the government’s use of socials to suppress speech with which the Post disagrees. That webby, vaporous thing they call “misinformation,” whose proper spelling is “c-e-n-s-o-r-s-h-i–p.”

The Feds got busted silencing speech, and it has the information gatekeepers at The Washington Post wondering how they might get Adam and Eve back into the Garden where they can try to control their knowledge of good and evil. The act itself is evil, unconstitutional, and should be considered professional misconduct. But a modern American press quick to bemoan monopolies wants very much to secure one for itself.

The secret to saving Machine Media is to break as many of its competitors as possible by whatever means necessary. A cartel on information, knowledge, and ideas. To control what people think and believe. All the things the First Amendment exists to prevent and under whose rubric the Post operates its campaign for an information oligarchy that oversees acceptable speech. It’s all very Animal Farm as the corporate press feasting at Farmer Jones’ table, in his house, wearing his clothes, and pantomiming his mannerisms while squawking about how not all information is equal.

But what is it, this misinformation? No one knows (least of all the authors of the piece in WaPo), but I’d guess it is a lot like pornography to Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart. They’ll know it when they see it, and if it falls outside the tunnels that already control its vision, they’ll be sure to consult sources inside the government for confirmation.

It is everything you ever wanted in a free press, just without the freedom.

I wonder if they do not grasp, like many of the factions on the fractious left, that the water they carry for them now will be used to waterboard them later. Maybe even drown them. The history is clear on how this goes, and it’s not even old. Mao was a few decades back with tactics not much different from those of Chavez when he wrecked Venezuela.

But I suppose they are too busy rewriting history or erasing it to take time to learn from it. Or they assume they’ll still be there after the Revolution, but then, that’s what they all think until someone puts them up against a wall.



HT | Reclaim The Net


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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