Post Vaxx – US Military Sees 151% Spike in Cases of Myocarditis

by Steve MacDonald

Don’t expect anyone to learn any lessons from this, but the Department of Defense has been forced to admit that there was a spike in Myocarditis after the military mandated covid-19 injections for all services.


Cases of myocarditis soared among U.S. service members in 2021 after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, a top Pentagon official has confirmed.

There were 275 cases of myocarditis in 2021—a 151 percent spike from the annual average from 2016 to 2020, according to Gilbert Cisneros Jr., undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, who confirmed data revealed by a whistleblower earlier this year.

The default assumption being peddled by the DoD is that this spike was caused by SARS-CoV2 and not the COVID-19 vaccine, but ‘”It is unclear whether or how it accounted for service members who had a prior COVID-19 infection and received a COVID-19 vaccination,’ Mr. Johnson wrote to Mr. Cisneros.

It hardly matters. We can ‘name that tune’ in two notes. Myocarditis was at the top of the list of mRNA side effects before the vaxx was even given EUA approval by the FDA.


Two months before Emergency Use Authorization was granted (Oct 2020), Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, a member of the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force and the Vaccine Safety Team, released a slide deck explaining the tools and safety protocols being deployed in advance of a COVID-19 vaccine rollout. The 31-page presentation includes a list of Adverse Events of interest related to the rollout.

CDC Slide 17 AEs for COVID vaccine Oct 2020


The Public Health Industrial Complex prepped the battle space in advance to blame SARS, then doubled down when cases began to multiply. The DoD picked up their fiddle and kept playing.


Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist and president of the McCullough Foundation, looked at the newly disclosed data.

“The large increase in myocarditis cases in our military in 2021 was most likely due to ill-advised COVID-19 vaccination,” he told The Epoch Times via email, pointing to a study from Israel that found no increase or myocarditis in COVID-19 patients.


McCullough’s confirmation of the issue is nice, as are the numerous research reports confirming spikes in this and other, Adverse Events (AEs), but there should be no escaping two key points. First, Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, and CDC knew about the risks, and second, they mandated them anyway. They mandated them. You take the risk without fully informed consent, or you’re out on your ass.

I’ll concede that there is plenty of deniability at many levels. The truth was withheld and continues to be denied by large segments of the political, public, private, and military health apparatus’.

The military medical data has since come under scrutiny after the produced results failed to match reports from whistleblowers.

The DoD didn’t want you or Congress to see a problem and denied it until they no longer could because it, like nearly every other part of the Federal government, has been weaponized by political partisans.





  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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