Notable Quote – The Relationship Has Been Totally Upside Down, Inside Out


From a “Continuity of the Nation (e.g., WE) to the Continuity of Government (NOT we the people):

…Within the very brief discussion period that led up to the 10-26-01 Patriot Act [pdf here], literally a structural reform of the entire domestic terrorist apparatus that created the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), a bill only debated for a few weeks, the baseline was the enhanced ‘continuity of government‘ in the event of an emergency.

As we have exhaustively outlined on these pages, the outcome of the Patriot Act was to create a system where every American was now viewed by our federal government through the prism of the citizen being a potential terrorist threat.  The federal government aligned all of our institutions and systems accordingly.

DHS was created to monitor American behavior, the TSA was created to scan American travelers, and the FBI was enhanced with resources to conduct surveillance despite our Fourth Amendment protections within our Constitution.  Instead of the U.S. Govt protecting U.S. citizens from foreign threats, the Patriot Act changed the mission of government to protect itself from potential citizen threats.

In essence, We the People became the suspects, and all of the constitutional viewpoints within the FBI and Dept of Justice were modified to create monitoring systems…

…The continuity of a very specific construct of government…The continuity of a view within government of how government should operate.

By the time the 2016 election arrived, We the People had already been defined by the Patriot Act outcome as a threat to government.  If we the people did not select the right kind of candidate who would be approved by the continuity system, then our selection would be rejected by all of the operators of that administrative system.   That’s what happened.

We the People are the threat, and those who control the DC power centers that determine the continuity of government, will not accept any modification or diminishment of their mission.


We were founded to be a People that happened to have a government. However, as I wrote out here, Government is now separating itself from We The People being in charge as the Progressive Governor has realized that, for all of the Left pointing the bony finger at the Right yammering “threat to Democracy!”, he can bypass Democracy because The Administrative State has become too powerful and is unaccountable.

Here, too, Sundance is making the case that Government has become its own VERY Special Interest Group and is dissuaded that it is taking on all of the regalia of a Monarchy. Our question must be, in following the admonition of “If you are going to kill the King, KILL THE KING!”, how can we do so?

The bureaucracy has rapidly become, not the courtiers and the other members of the feudal aristocracy, but the multiheaded King themselves.

(H/T: The Conservative Treehouse)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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