How To Lose An Election In New Hampshire

How many votes does a candidate for Governor in today’s New Hampshire … a State represented in Congress by four Democrats and whose Republican Governor is on the far-left of the national GOP spectrum …potentially gain by attending a Machine Gun shoot?

Let’s rephrase the question. How many votes does a candidate in today’s New Hampshire potentially lose by attending a Machine Gun shoot … more or less than the candidate potentially gains?

To help you answer the question, I’ll pose another question. Aside from in terms of the total electorate in New Hampshire, a relatively minuscule pool of “activists” are potential GOP voters more concerned with machine guns or being able to purchase a home, given that the New Hampshire housing market is increasingly out of reach to those who are not “high income”?

If you answered “machine guns,” there is no point in reading any further. You are just going to get increasingly triggered.

The question for the GOP gubernatorial candidates (and GOP “activists”) is this: do you want to win an election or do you want to make an ideological statement? Chuck Morse apparently believes that there is some connection between a Machine Gun shoot and “constitutional carry.” Sorry, Chuck, attending a Machine Gun shoot does not … at least as far as I am concerned … give you “street cred” among conservatives (who probably number about one-half of voters who identify as GOP, or one-sixth of voters as a whole).


You still voted to codify Obamacare as State law.


What I said in my post The NHGOP Needs To Learn To Lie Like June bears repeating to Chuck, Ayotte, and Edleblut, who also attended (or were expected to attend) the Machine Gun shoot:


June and her ilk do it the right way. They run as reasonable, pragmatists and then … once elected … govern like the rabid Communists they are. Republicans run like ideologues and then govern like p*ssies.


Presumably, the people running all three campaigns don’t want to get Mower’d or Morse’d, as Mowers and Morse lost their primaries in 2022 to the candidate perceived as more conservative. Understandable. But at what cost?

To be clear, I have nothing against the Hillsborough County GOP’s Machine Gun shoot. I hope it was a resounding success, that they made loads of money, and that the attendees had a great time.

My point is that if you are a candidate who wants to win a statewide election in today’s New Hampshire, you don’t attend. You send a generous donation to the Hillsborough County GOP instead and thereby avoid giving the Joyce Craig campaign a shot (pardon the pun) to label you an “extremist” (my opponent is so extreme that he actually believes the Second Amendment gives you a right to own a machine gun!) And, dear GOP “activists,” if you want to win elections … as opposed to making ideological statements … you don’t hold it against the candidates if they don’t attend.


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