Did God Save the Amish from COVID or Was It Just Common Sense? - Granite Grok

Did God Save the Amish from COVID or Was It Just Common Sense?

The Public Health Industrial Complex has a problem. Its missionaries denied people their religious rights (among others), pimped various protocols, and mandated treatments and preventions. The Amish didn’t do any of that and fared 90 times better.

The government couldn’t make them do any of the things they wanted the rest of us to do and the result was stunning. “Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Amish families did not get vaccinated or wear masks, nor did they engage in lockdowns, social distancing, or any other type of restrictions.”

By all estimates, 90% of the Amish population of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (about 45000 souls) caught COVID, but their COVID Death rates were 90 times lower. Of the few that did shuffle off their mortal coil, it is not clear that COVID was even the cause, so that number might be higher, but 90 times lower is damning enough.

If saving lives was the goal, a vaccine and science-denying population had significantly better outcomes by ignoring every ‘expert’ recommendation.

Either the “experts” were wrong about everything, or the Amish are among God’s protected people.

I’d be open to suggestions that both are true.



“[Kirsch] added that diseases like ADD, autoimmune disease, PANDAS PANS, or epilepsy basically don’t exist among Amish children.”

If its God, the secular humanist Scientism has two problems.
