Breaking: Kelly Ayotte Formally Announces Run for Governor of New Hampshire

Steve MacDonald

Another day another elite New Hampshire Rino announces that they’d like to replace outgoing elite NH RINO Chris Sununu, and this one is no surprise. Former US Senator Kelly Ayotte’s interest in the job has been known or at least speculated for months. She is in.

Related: Race for Governor: Can Kelly Ayotte Get Past her Never-Trump Baggage?


NASHUA, NH – Today, Kelly Ayotte launched her campaign to be the next Governor of New

Hampshire. Kelly released the following statement and list of endorsements from across the Granite State.

“I want to thank Governor Sununu and Valerie for their dedicated service to New Hampshire over the past seven years. Governor Sununu is an excellent leader who has worked hard to defend our Live Free or Die values and improve New Hampshire’s quality of life.

The battle to protect our Live Free or Die way of life must continue.

I’m running for Governor because New Hampshire is one election away from becoming Massachusetts – from becoming something we are not. I was born here and raised here. I raised my kids here, and you know what? I am going to die here because this state and it’s people are different. What we have here is worth fighting for.

Together, we will ensure that New Hampshire remains safe, prosperous, and free.


Ayotte started out in the US Senate with a solid conservatarian voting record, but the longer she was there, the more the RINO she became. By the end, she was endorsing top-down Obama Admin tyranny.

We’ll have more on that in the coming weeks and months, but for now, we should consider Ed Mosca’s advice. #Never Ayotte.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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